Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Separating by Leon Stokesbury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Separating by Leon Stokesbury - Essay Example Richard is a father of four children and is particularly acknowledging of the crisis in his mid-years (Updike 2145). This is what is driving the separation from his wife who is against exposing it to their vulnerable children. By this analysis, it shows the family as a vital element in the society. It shows how people relate to one another, their responsibility to family and their willingness to hold it together. This serves to show some elements of a cultural artifact. The characters, such as Richard’s wife Joan, infer that family relationships are important at the time and should always be considered while making decisions at any time. The actions of Joan show that women at that time and place were responsible for keeping their family together. They were sensitive to matters that would affect their family’s wellbeing. The actions of Richard serve to show that men at that time were responsible for taking care of their families too. Their motivations to provide for thei r family at that time and place surpassed the reasoning whether the man and woman were in good terms. For example, Richard moved around repairing hinges, getting mowers sharpened and repairing the tennis court. This shows that a man always had the interest of the family at all times regardless of the situation (Updike 2139). The plot of the story shows that the time was full of difficulties. It was hard to let go of family at that time. It is still hard today also, the fact that Richard has another woman shows that unfaithfulness was present in that time and place. Families struggled to hold together due to the strains in their lives of some parties, in this case, Richard’s crisis this characterizes the history of the time as one with marital problems. The setting of the story is around the family’s homestead. All activity takes places there, especially dinner with the family being the most

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