Wednesday, October 30, 2019

ECommerce Course Work Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

ECommerce Course Work - Case Study Example In this report I will access and analyze the security issues and concerns regarding the online Globetrotting Hotels system. I will discuss about the handling of the customers’ personal information and payment details on the online web. Then I will also talk about the installation of the better facilities for the customers like customer care services, physical security, online information preservation, etc. Harry Smith has planned to present the matchless group of the local self-governing hotels. These local self-regulating hotels will be combined through the worldwide chain and will proffer very friendly high quality services and local knowledge. Here in this global chain of the globetrotter will be very useful and effective through the implementation of one-stop web site. This website will be a common platform where the customers are able to fine deeper and wider information regarding the online world wide hotels chain. This also facilitates the Globetrotting for the effective management and customer services.1 In this section I will talk about the better e-payment system that will facilitate the effective online business management of the Globetrotting Hotels system. The main reasons behind this idea is to critically analyze, compare and contrast the different ways of the e-payment systems and choose a better way for the Globetrotting Hotels system. This system should have the potential of assessing more enhanced and fraud less online payment services. The first type that is mostly used for the e-payments is the credit card payment system. Through this system we will ask the credit card number and payment details from the customer for the online transaction. This information will be used for the online transaction. This method of the online payment is very useful, but in earlier few years we have seen massive number of online credit card frauds. For this reason most of the people hesitate to carry out an online transaction (e-payment, 2008). In our

Monday, October 28, 2019

Worldwide Micro Electric Vehicles Market Report 2018 Essay Example for Free

Worldwide Micro Electric Vehicles Market Report 2018 Essay Micro electric vehicles are driven by electric battery propulsion with a power rating of 4-10 KWh and are generally two to four-seater vehicles. This class of vehicles was earlier considered to belong to the category of electric vehicles, but as a result of the increased demand for this product and rapid growth of the market, they now form a separate market category. Analysts forecast the Global Micro Electric Vehicles market will grow at a CAGR of 14. 91 percent over the period 2013-2018. The Report recognizes the following companies as the key players in the Global Micro Electric Vehicles Market : Ingersoll Rand plc Polaris Industries Inc. , Textron Inc. , Yamaha Motor Corp. , Canadian Electric Vehicles Ltd. , Chongqing Huansong Industries (Group) Co. Ltd. , Columbia ParCar , E-Ride Industries , Italcar, Pride Mobility Products Corp. , Shenzhen Marshell Green Power Co. Ltd. , Suzhou Eagle Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Co. Ltd. , Tomberlin Automotive Group, Zhejiang Ruifeng (R P) Industry Group The focus of vendors has shifted to finding ways to extend the life of Li-ion batteries. These batteries are now used in a variety of applications such as cell phones, laptops, PCs, power tools, electric bikes, electric scooters, tablets, medical devices, UPS systems, and transit buses. These batteries have completely replaced lead-acid batteries in several applications. The Global Li-Ion Battery market for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles is expected to grow yearly at 20 percent till 2025 Complete Report is Available @ http://www. sandlerresearch. org/global-micro-electric-vehicles-market-2014-2018. html . Covered in this Report. The Global Micro Electric Vehicles market can be divided into three segments: Quadricycles, Golf Carts, and Mobility Vehicles for the Disabled. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the combined sales of all three segments. . In addition, the report discusses the major drivers that influence the growth of the Global Micro Electric Vehicles market. It also outlines the challenges faced by the vendors and the market at large, as well as the key trends that are emerging in the market. Global Micro Electric Vehicles Market 2014-2018, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Americas and the EMEA and APAC regions; it also covers the Global Micro Electric Vehicles market landscape and its growth prospects in the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market. According to the report, the Global Micro Electric Vehicles market has taken center stage mainly because of the increase in government subsidies for manufacturers and incentives for buyers of such vehicles. Gasoline and diesel-based vehicles are major generators of greenhouse gas emissions. Various governments are taking an active interest in reducing the increasing emission levels of greenhouse gases. They are also actively involved in promoting clean and efficient ways of transportation. Further, the report states that the inadequate infrastructure for charging electric vehicle batteries is a major challenge faced by the Global Micro Electric Vehicles market. Also, the time taken to recharge these batteries is too long. There is a lot of scope to improve the infrastructure for charging batteries. Hence, the present infrastructure is not sufficient to cater to current demand. Inquire Before buying the Report @ http://www. sandlerresearch. org/inquire-before-buying? rname=19637 . Contact [emailprotected] org / Call +1 888 391 5441 for further information on â€Å"Global Micro Electric Vehicles Market 2014-2018† report OR for any other market research and intelligence needs you may have for your business.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Bob Gonzalezs Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe, John Everett Millais Trust Me and William Powell Friths For Better of For Worse :: Compare Contrast

Bob Gonzalez's Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe, John Everett Millais' Trust Me and William Powell Frith's For Better of For Worse Art may be considered the reflection of one's emotions or an outlet of one’s creative thought. A person can display art, not only through music or dance, but also through the creativity of a play or drama. Bob Gonzalez's Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe is a great example of creatively organizing the inner thoughts of Monroe through the theatre. He went past Monroe's glamorous facade and showed the "behind the scenes" lifestyle. In addition to dramas and plays, art may also be expressed on the canvas. John Everett Millais (1829- 1896), president of Royal Academy, did well in demonstrating his creativity with oil paints. One of his recognized works is Trust Me. Being named the most illustrious member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Millais is a well-known Victorian Artist. William Powell Frith, too, was a renowned Victorian artist. For Better of For Worse was an oil painting with a double meaning. First, one could refer the title to the marriage vows. But as one further analyzes the piece, one notices that For Better or For Worse can also refer to the gap between the upper and lower classes. All in all, the artists in each of these cases had a story to tell using certain tools to show emotion. William Powell Frith (1819- 1909), like many before him, used the tricks of the trade to simulate a certain feel in For Better or For Worse. Wardrobe and the compositional unity are tools he used to make this painting tell its story and setting. Frith, first, chose a wardrobe worthy of the Victorian Era. All the men were dressed in classic suits, either black or navy blue with a white shirt. The women, too, were covered in the time-conventional, puffy dresses. But the women’s dresses came in assorted colors, unlike the men. Hence, the wardrobe matched the aristocratic, social norm of the time. A model of the lower class’ wardrobe matched the times stereotype. For example, the father, seemingly decrepit and tired, was in a ruined suit with holes in the pants and patches on the sleeves. His wife’s dress could not compare to the wonderful dresses of the upper class women.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Sustainability Megatrend (NZ)

To the Undergraduate Programmer Manager, In this report sustainability will be addressed as to how it has affected New Zealand, and it will be explained how the concept of sustainability is a engagement. Sustainability is very important because we do not want to endanger or reduce the standard of living for consecutive generations (Wiley and Sons, 2010). Without basic resources such as air and water, there will surely be no life on earth in the future.Supply chains and globalizes workforces have created pressure on the environment and in turn businesses. Sustainability has become an objective with which some organizations strive for such as the Sustainable Business Network. Sustainability will involve considering the long-term consequences of industry and production. It will be explained why businesses develop sustainable practices, why sustainability is important to New Zealand and what the government and different organizations are accomplishing to make New Zealand sustainable.It w ill also explain New Sealant's different industries that are environmentally friendly and on the way to Ewing sustainable. New Zealand has a unique set of industries and organizations relied on for economic growth, most of which are having sustainable practices applied to. This report will also take an insight into the right of development and sustainability of indigenous peoples and the challenges and opportunities faced when management is involved with human resource sustainability.Indigenous peoples have the right to develop and sustain their population, and human resource sustainability is essential gain competitive advantage in a demanding marketplace, as will be explained in this report. ‘The Sustainability Imperative' by David A. Lubing and Daniel C. Test (2010) is an article about the concept of how sustainability is an emerging engagement. Sustainability qualifies as a engagement due to how environmental issues have gradually influenced businesses choices on value for customers, shareholders and stakeholders.Globalizes work forces and supply chains have created environmental pressures that are unwanted by businesses as countries such as China and India compete for natural resources such as oil, which adds strain on the need to be sustainable. These issues have been increased by the mounting public and parliamentary concern. Consumers all over the world are looking for sustainable products and services because of these concerns. Thousands of companies are strategically implementing sustainable practices such as innovation in energy efficiency, pollution control, resource productivity and renewable power. High Involvement Management and Human Resource Sustainability: The Challenges and Opportunities' by Paul J. Gallon (2005) is an article about the challenges and opportunities of human resource sustainability. This article is putting forward the theory of how high involvement management can affect the sustainability of a business. Businesses are f acing a struggle in competitive advantage in a demanding marketplace; customers and consumers are demanding a lot more than before, with higher quality products, cheaper prices and faster delivery.To meet these challenges, more pressure has been placed on management to increase the sustainability, efficiency and productivity of their organizations, as well as to reflect and show top management. High Involvement Management strategy involves procedures that promote mutual respect and responsibility. Managers give employees more trust to make important workplace decisions, giving employees the hence to develop their knowledge, skills, improving employee satisfaction, resulting in higher productivity and effectiveness.A challenge is overcoming any employee resistance, as they can feel increasing pressure and a resistance to change when a strategy is put into place. Implementing strategies a step at a time can solve this. Company performance and sustainability usually benefits from the i ntegration of human resource management and product strategies. ‘The Right To Development and Indigenous Peoples: Lessons From New Zealand' by M Gibbs (2005) is an article about the concept of recognition and the right to placement for New Sealant's indigenous peoples.New Sealant's Jurisprudence insinuates that the Maori have the right to develop with the Treaty Of Waiting and the Waiting Tribunal. The Treaty Of Waiting had two versions, the European and the Maori. There is a lot of confusion over the two versions of the Treaty as they are not exact translation. This confusion has caused many debates and arguments such as the foreshore and seabed dispute (Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 No 93, as at 01 April 2011) If other nations follow this explanation, development rights in other countries will be improved.The Waiting Tribunal has recognized New Sealant's indigenous peoples the right to develop as a people, to develop traditional resources and to take part in the development of resources unknown about in the 1840 partnership of the crown. The Treaty of Waiting has provided a solid foundation for the emergence of a Maori right to development. Maori represent 15% of New Sealant's current population, in a situation like this sustainability is important to maintain the indigenous population.The issue of sustainability has become an important one; businesses are increasingly evolving and implementing sustainable practices for various reasons. I will explain why businesses develop sustainable practices, why sustainability is important to New Zealand and what the government and different organizations are accomplishing to make New Zealand sustainable. Sustainability is â€Å"the use of resources to maintain a standard of living that enables society to satisfy its current needs without reducing the standard of living for successive generations. † (Wiley and Sons, 2010).The issue of keeping the world sustainable has encouraged individuals and businesses t o take action, to monitor the efficiency of their use of resources and to reduce their influence on the environment. Sustainability is often measured in different values such as the input and output of resources, types of cost savings, the reduction of resource waste and the apparent value of the business to society as a whole. There are three main reasons why businesses develop sustainable practices, greenmailing, a reflection of management values and the opportunity to exploit a sustainable niche.Greenmailing is a term that gives people the impression that you are supporting sustainability for its own sake, but really you are exploiting sustainable practices in the company as a means to accumulate support and generate a better financial return for shareholders. This raises the issue of if the business is ethical or abusing the publics trust. A reflection of management values is another reason why businesses develop sustainable practices, to show and reflect the values of top manag ement. If the board of a business is consistent and shares values on sustainability, these values are likely to be dispersed through the firm.The last reason is the opportunity to exploit a sustainable niche. Some businesses take he option of developing business through the assembly of sustainable goods. There are two main groups who are involved in sustainability, the Government and non- government organizations. The Tearoom New Zealand government has introduced basic sustainable development initiatives to urge sustainable business practices such as enacting the Resource Management Act 1991, signing and approving the Kyoto Protocol and signing the ROI Declaration 1992.A major initiative New Zealand is involved with is the Kyoto Protocol, which is an obligation of supporting cleaner air pollution and sustainable living. The ROI Declaration is another with which New Zealand is involved with, it is a UN document supported by numerous national governments that encourages solutions to t he impact of the social lifestyle on the circumstance of the planet. New Zealand Tearoom is also encouraged to Join the Emissions/Biodiversity exchange Project that is ‘A project that records greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption and calculates the areas of native bush that it would take to offset them. (Wiley and Sons, 2010). In February 2007 the government announced a new sustainability policy aims at making New Zealand carbon neutral. This was lead by the example of upgrading the PIP fleet to be more economical. The New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable development is a non-government organization and a leadership initiative for change toward sustainable development. Many projects run by this organization promote sustainable progress through business and school, partnership, influence greenhouse gas guidelines and sustainable supply chain management.The board is made up of parties whose businesses have a direct interest with the council. Another non-governm ent organization is the Sustainable Business Network. They are a unique connection for genuineness that are looking to be more sustainable; they exist to help companies pursue sustainable projects. New Zealand relies on Agriculture, Horticulture and Diary Farming for economic growth. Because of this, a co dependent relationship exists to fulfill New Sealant's image of being ‘green'. This means that financial injections are relied on to conserve and maintain the environment.There are various industries and organizations applying sustainable practices to their routine. The tourism industry in New Zealand has had to face challenges concerning with environmental sustainability. New Zealand has built up a reputation over the years as being a clean and green country. This has contributed to the success of which draws people in to New Zealand. New Zealand is the first country to have a government tourism department. The New Zealand Tourism Board was founded in 1991 to create the high est returns for the country and uphold tourism as a major industry to New Zealand.George Hickman, New Zealand Chief Executive implemented the campaign ‘100% Pure' which was very successful in increasing tourist spending. Tourism is now the largest export industry in New Zealand, employing 1 in 10 rockers. New Zealand has won many awards for the ‘100% Pure' campaign, earning awards such as the daily telegraphs best destination award in October and among others (Luxury Adventures New Zealand, 2004). This shows that there is pressure on New Zealand to maintain the reputation of a clean and green country. The tourism industry here in New Zealand has had to face challenges to meet the expectations of visitors to this country.Viticulture and the Wine industry in New Zealand is turning into a recent export industry, with numbers of hectares growing in size to produce vines. As a fairly recent industry in New Zealand, sustainable vine and wine growing initiatives are being put i nto place to lessen the effects the industry has on the environment. The renewable energy industry in New Zealand is one of the largest in the world, with 70% of power usage from renewable power sources (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Trade, 2004) Meridian Energy is a government owned company that capitalizes on its capability to produce renewable energy for New Sealant's needs.Meridian Energy is the largest electricity generator in the country, and is the cornerstone of sustainable reactive. A comparison between this article and New Zealand sustainability practices is that since environmental issues have gradually influenced business choices on value for customers and some consumers are looking for sustainable products and services, this is an example of how this provides an opportunity for businesses to exploit a sustainable niche. In New Zealand sustainability, one main reason for businesses to develop sustainable practices was for the opportunity to exploit a sustainable niche.In t his article there is a demand from consumers for sustainable products, and how environmental and sustainable issues have had an impact on business decisions. A contrast between this article and appendix four is that in this article it has been stated that China and India have been competing to gain natural resources, but in New Zealand sustainability, New Zealand has been utilizing our natural resources by the â€Å"100% Pure† campaign to keep New Zealand as clean and green for the success of the tourism industry.New Zealand has also been using wind farms to generate renewable power. A comparison between ‘High Involvement Management and Human Resource Sustainability: The Challenges and Opportunities' by Paul J. Gallon (2005) and New Zealand sustainability is that they are both seeking to gain a good reputation of the reflection of management values. New Zealand sustainability stated that organizations show and reflect the values of top management advantage through susta inability.In the article by Paul J. Gallon, it is noted that High Involvement Management is implemented, not Just for sustainability but also to reflect the values of top management. A contrast between the two articles is that in the High Involvement Management article, it states that there is an increasing struggle to gain competitive advantage in more demanding marketplace, where businesses are having to produce better quality products, cheaper prices and faster delivery.Where as in the New Zealand sustainability article, businesses develop sustainable practices to exploit a niche in the market as a competitive advantage. The High Involvement article is putting forward the concept that to be more sustainable they have to improve organizational performance and integrate human resource management and product and market strategies. While in the New Zealand sustainability article, it is suggesting that to gain nominative advantage, the option of producing sustainable goods is recommen ded.A comparison between ‘The right to development and indigenous people: Lessons from New Zealand' by M. Gibbs (2005) and New Zealand sustainability is that in the Indigenous article, it explains that in the Treaty Of Waiting there were two versions, a British version and a Maori one. The two versions are not an exact translation of each other as the Maori version was to be the translation of the British one. It is argued that the Maori version was translated in haste and that oral translation may have been more important than the written one.This can be seen as unethical, and to a brief extent, an abuse of the Maori trust. In the New Zealand sustainability article, one way of why businesses develop sustainable practices is ‘Greenmailing, a term used that gives people the impression that a business is supporting sustainability for its won sake, but really they use it for a means to accumulate support and generate a better financial return. This can be seen as unethical or abusing the publics trust, a similarity to the confusion over the Treaty Of Waiting.A contrast between the two articles is that in the New Zealand sustainability article, he concept of being environmentally sustainable is put forward, whereas in the Indigenous Peoples article, the concept of having the right to develop and sustain the Maori people is introduced. Human Resources and Maori Business frameworks, concepts and theories are relevant to sustainability and the success of an organization. In Human Resources the concepts of Job satisfaction, Job involvement, organizational commitment and employee engagement are all-important concepts to run a successful sustainable organization.In Maori Business the framework of the Treaty Of Waiting has helped established certain aspects of New Sealant's Jurisprudence. The usefulness of the notion of integrating Strategic Management and Operations Management, Human Resources and Industrial Relations and Maori Business can be used as a tool to gain sustainable competitive advantage. They all interrelate and link to form one of the many basses of an organization. Strategic Management is the planning of preparing, implementing and evaluating decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its long-term goals.Strategic Management deals with the Five Forces Framework, which concerns itself with the entry, substitutes, suppliers, buyers and rivalries of an organization. It also deals with the SOOT analysis, which is strength, weakness, opportunity and threat, as well as political, economic, socio-cultural and technological aspects of the organization. Operations Management deals with the process flows accompanying with the consumption and creation of services and goods. Frameworks, theories and concepts used in this sector would be Six Sigma, a methodical process for refining the operational performance of an organization by eliminating waste.The Lean Approach, a method for meeting demand with no waste, which require s customer Ochs, synchronized flow, and involvement behavior. Another framework would be the Triple Bottom Line an annual report based on an organizations financial, social and environmental accountability. Human Resource and Industrial Relations is about managing people in order for a business and organization to succeed economically. Human Resource Management is about attracting, developing and maintaining a qualified workforce to maintain the objectives and strategies of a company, making it more sustainable.Human Resource and Industrial Relations concerns itself with functional structures, on the Job and off he Job training, career paths, the perceptions, personality, attitudes, and stress of people. Maori Business is the third largest business sector in New Zealand, and as New Sealant's indigenous people, it is important to understand the Maori economy in New Zealand. Maori businesses contribute around $10 billion to the economy of New Zealand, there are Maori tourism operators and export companies.Maori Businesses focus on farming, forestry and fishing as the largest exports although food, fashion and film are new growth areas. Sustainable practices are being developed in farming, forestry and fishing. Maori Businesses are some of New Sealant's largest corporations that deal with diversified products and services range. In a real world setting Strategic Management and Operations Management, Human Resources and Industrial Relations and Maori Business all interrelate as a tool to gain sustainable competitive advantage.With the Strategic Management, businesses and organizations would plan, prepare, implement and evaluate decisions and goals they would want to achieve. This can be integrated with Operations management, which deals in the consumption and creation of goods and services, as to achieve Operations Management; Strategic Management must be defined so that Operations Management recognizes the long-term plan and goals to achieve them. Human Resources and Industrial Relations are also integrated with Strategic Management as long term planning from Strategic Management affects the Human Resources and Industrial Relations.Maori Business is integrated with Strategic Management thorough the planning, preparing, implementing and evaluation of decisions and goals. The Quadruple Bottom Line also integrates the two sectors by making businesses responsible for the economic, social, environmental, sustainability and spiritual effects of undertaking business. Operations Management is integrated with Human Resources and Industrial Relations and Maori Businesses as well as Strategic Management. Operations Management is integrated with Human Resources and Industrial Relations by the long term maintaining of the objectives and strategies.It is also integrated with Maori Business by the environment, associated with both aspects, as Maori Business supports sustainability and Operations Management deals with waste elimination and general sustaina bility for both the organization and the environment. Lastly, Maori Business is integrated with Human Resources and Industrial Relations purely wrought how Maori Businesses tend to employ relatives, Hannah and Iii because of the cultural and family based aspect of Maori business.There are many insights I could offer to managers in the NUNS who wish to use the above to gain sustainable competitive advantage. I would offer the insight of improving Human Resource Management by increasing the sustainability, efficiency and productivity of their organizations. They could improve Job satisfaction, goal management. Using High Involvement Management could improve the loyalty and bond between manager and employee. If employees are given the chance to make important workplace decision, they will gain more skills and knowledge, be more involved with their work and will produce higher productivity.You also have to remember that strategies implemented to deal with Human resource have to be monit ored carefully and implemented a step at a time, as there may be some employee resistance in the change. Another insight I would offer is the use of the reflection of top management and greenmailing. Developing sustainable practices can show and reflect the values of top management as well as to accumulate support and generate a better financial return for shareholders.Sustainability has become an important issue in today's society, businesses are in the process of becoming more sustainable not only for competitive advantage but for the environment as well. An additional insight I would offer is to have very good Strategic Management, as this sets the direction of the organization. Frameworks, theories and concepts can be utilized for Strategic Management such as SOOT Analysis- strength, weakness, opportunity and threat; and the Five Forces Framework – entry, substitutes, suppliers, buyers and rivalry. Good planning is essential in a business to be competitively advantaged.I would also offer the insight of having a good integration between the Strategic Management and the Operations Management. Strategic Management is the planning process and direction of an organization and the Operations Management carries through what the Strategic Management plans. The connection between the two is important as one cannot function without the other. Having a good connection between the two can improve sustainable competitive advantage.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Behavioral Change WIthin an Organization Essay

1.What characterizes a hyperturbulent environment? †¢A hyperturbulent environment is characterized by rapidly changing product lines, an increasing and changing set of competitors, rapid and continual technological innovation, and rapid market growth. 2.On the Adaptive Cultures diagram, describe the difference between a â€Å"satisficing† environment and a â€Å"reactive† environment? †¢The difference between â€Å"satisficing† and â€Å"reactive environments† stems from their respective differences pertaining to their environmental stability and adaptive orientation. A â€Å"satisficing† style is the result of a stable environment and a high level of adaptive orientation. This style of managing emphasizes a centralized decision-making structure, more levels of management, and coordination by formalized committees. A â€Å"reactive† style is the result of a hyperturbulent environment and a low level of adaptive orientation. Management typically deals with problems on a crisis basis. This style implies waiting until serious problems can no longer be ignored and then correcting them with drastic measures. 3.Which is the â€Å"best† situation on the diagram and the â€Å"worst†? †¢The â€Å"best† situation on the diagram is renewing/transformational management. This style is proactive; identifying solutions to problems before they occur, and constantly changing through innovation to stay ahead of competitors. Conversely, the â€Å"worst† situation on the diagram is sluggish-thermostat management. This style has a tendency to value tradition, which is a road block to change, and emphasizes formal control systems, processes, and procedures. As a result, this style can lead to failure through current success (things are working well right now, so why change them). 4.Describe Open System. Give an example. †¢An open system is based on interdependency. It is in constant interaction with its environment; influencing and being influenced. Feedback is obtained throughout this interaction so that the system can adjust and achieve a constant state of dynamic equilibrium. An example of an open system is a family. Parents, children, siblings, etc. constantly act and react to one another based upon what each individual member puts forth (work, money, love, daily problems, school, friendship, etc.). 5.Describe Socio-technical system. Give an example. †¢A social-technical system views the organization as an open system of coordinated human and technical activities. Under this view, the organization’s activities consist of the goals and values, technical, structural, psychosocial, and managerial subsystems. Any changes that occur in any of the organization’s process can have effects throughout the organization since all processes are related. An example of this is a bank. If management decides to change the way it take in deposits, this has an effect on the backroom operations of the bank (clearing and settling the deposit transactions), the bank tellers (how to take and handle the deposits), customer service (what type of information to relay to the deposit customers), and marketing (the information used for advertising may have changed). This change also effect the lending function (deposits are the source of funding for the bank’s loans, therefore loan pricing may be effected). 6.Give me a situation where you might use a â€Å"contingency approach† at work? †¢The contingency approach says that there is no one â€Å"best way† to handle all situations that may occur. Rather, a person needs to adjust to the situation and handle it based upon the characteristics at hand. A situation where I use the contingency approach is in dealing with my coworkers. One group of people I work with can handle very direct and candid responses to issues and problems; therefore I speak with them in this manner. Conversely, another group of individuals is not as susceptible to candor. I must use finesse and a great deal of emotion in relaying solutions to problems they want to solve. 7.How are the concepts of future shock and hyperturbulent environment similar? †¢The concepts of future shock and a hyperturbulent environment are similar in that both deal with a rapid level of change. As a result, organizations must be more adaptable and flexible than ever before to deal with the ever changing landscapes in which they operate. 8.OD focuses on the _________, _______, and ____.____ †¢OD focuses on the individual, team, and organizational behavior. Read the article on the Airline Industry (Fear and Loathing)—Write two or three paragraphs describing the problem. How could this be fixed? †¢The problem with the airline industry, based upon the article Fear and Loathing (BusinessWeek, September 10, 2007) is that the overall industry lacks leadership. That is, it appears that no one is in charge. Various members of the entire industry (the airlines, unions, small plane owners, community groups, the government, and the FAA) have only their self-interests at heart. As such, no one is being held accountable for what is needed most—change. While the airline industry has developed into its current form, it has not accounted for economic, technological, and environmental changes. The preferred fix for this problem—a lack of accountability due to a lack of leadership—would be for an independent group to take long-term oversight of much needed changes in the airline industry. This group would act in the best interest of the system (i.e. the airline industry). In addition, this group could provide much needed oversight in changing the overall self-serving mindset of the individual groups. Unfortunately, likely many government (or in this case quasi-government) situations, the adage of â€Å"if it isn’t broke don’t fix it† is followed. And, like past situations, it typically takes a large-scale catastrophe to promote change (i.e. sluggish-thermostat management).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Separate Peace Essay essays

A Separate Peace Essay essays In the novel, A Separate Peace written by John Knowles, the protagonist, Gene Forrester goes through the struggle to achieve and maintain a separate peace. Gene's soul becomes a battleground where jealousy, fear, love, and hatred combat for control of his actions. And amidst the turmoil of his adolescence, it is the victory of the dark forces of human nature that make Gene realize that each person is alone with his enemy, that the only significant wars are not made by external causes, but "by something ignorant in the human heart" (193). The novel's conflict arises out of Gene's refusal to recognize his own feelings of jealousy and insecurity as the "real enemy." Instead, his fears are projected onto his closest companion, Phineas, whom Gene suspects of possessing his own feelings of envy and self-loathing. With Finny as the enemy, Gene is put into a world of competition and hatred, where the only crucial elements worth preserving are his own survival and superiority. This act o f self-deception drives Gene to evil thoughts and behavior, destroying any feelings of affection and friendship that he might have once had for Finny. Upon realizing his mistake and discovering that Phineas does not share Gene's envy and hatred, Gene's isolation and self-loathing deepen and he intentionally cripples the one person who wants to be his friend. Phineas becomes a metaphor for the peace that is lost when Gene is too afraid to identify the enemy within himself. The peace and friendship that Gene lost, the peace that is Finny, becomes for Gene so internalized that he no longer perceives Finny as separate from himself, evidenced by his feeling that Finny's funeral is his own. In the novel, Gene Forrester is portrayed as a Dynamic character. A dynamic character is one who has undergone a change, activity, or progress during the course of a story. Usually a dynamic character is willing to change and develop for a better. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Nutrition Review of the Whole 30 Diet Essays

Nutrition Review of the Whole 30 Diet Essays Nutrition Review of the Whole 30 Diet Essay Nutrition Review of the Whole 30 Diet Essay The Whole 30 diet plan, also called the Whole 9 Life Plan, has been out since 2009, and I decided to review it because one of my friends is currently following it, she claims she has never felt better and has lost weight. The diet plan is classified as a high protein/paleo inspired diet, and there is a do eat and do not eat list. First there are foods that you can eat including: meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables, some fruit, and plenty of fats from fruits, oils, nuts and seeds. The foods you cannot eat include: ugar or any sweeteners, legumes, grains, dairy, carrageen, sulfites, MSG, and potatoes. The idea is to only eat whole, organic foods that are on the approved list. The claim is that the foods that you cut out can be psychologically unhealthy, hormone-unbalancing, gut-disrupting, and inflammatory causing foods. The diet is done over a 30 day period, at the end of the 30 days they encourage you to decide how you want to go forward with eating, it does state you should continue until you feel ready to stop, but they warn it isnt supposed to be the Whole 365 (day) plan. I believe while they have many testimonials singing the praises of this eating plan, it does fit the bill for a fad diet. The first red flag is the complete halt on eating dairy, grains and legumes, and the limitation of fruits and certain high starch vegetables. This way of eating lacks balance, it puts a huge emphasis on a handful of foods, most of which are high in fat. Since there is no limit on portions of what you can eat, calorie control is not considered important on the plan. When grains and arbohydrates are restricted or eliminated in plans such as the Whole 30, weight loss occurs due to ketosis, which occurs in the body when it is not given adequate levels of carbohydrates. The problem with this is that when ketone bodies occur in the blood it can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies, loss of bone minerals, cause elevated blood cholesterol, and impaired moods. (Sizer et al; 133-134) Your body is in a starvation mode that causes you to use your fat stores as fuel. This diet could cause a life threatening condition if someone went on it long enough. Whole grains contain fiber which helps promote normal blood cholesterol, and reduced risk of heart disease, promotes healthy body weight, and maintains healthy bowel function. Carbohydrates are needed to fuel red blood cells, and the brain and nervous systems. The problem with carbohydrates really lies with which kind you choose, it is important to pick whole grains over processed and refined ones. The encouraging of eating meat including unlimited consumption of red meat, bacon, pork, poultry and game is another red flag. All these foods contain saturated fat, and eating high uantities of these foods could be disastrous for ones health. This can cause high LDL blood cholesterol levels, heart disease, and other health problems including cancer. The other red flag for a fad diet is that it sounds too good to be true: cut out all these foods for 30 days and you lose weight and cure a list of health problems that run the gamut. It concerns me that on the message boards many parents are putting children on this diet in hopes of curing behavioral problems without consulting with a pediatrician or registered dietician. While the Whole 30 plan does have some good points with cutting out processed foods and additives such as MSG, avocado, but overall it is too extreme to be a wholesome eating plan. The only proper and long lasting, healthy way to lose weight is by overall calorie control, eating a varied whole foods diet, and getting exercise. Sources: Sizer, Frances. Nutrition: concepts controversies. 13th ed. Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013. Print. The [emailprotected] Program. Whole9 Let us change your life. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Nov. 2013..

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Timeline From 1810-1820 (Waterloo, War of 1812)

Timeline From 1810-1820 (Waterloo, War of 1812) Decade By Decade: Timelines of the 1800s 1810: May 23, 1810: Margaret Fuller, editor, writer, and feminist icon, was born in Massachusetts.June 23, 1810: John Jacob Astor formed the Pacific Fur Company.July 5, 1810: American showman Phineas T. Barnum was born in Bethel, Connecticut.September 1810: The Tonquin, a ship owned by John Jacob Astor departed New York City bound for the Pacific Northwest, as part of Astors plan to establish a fur-trading settlement at the mouth of the Columbia River. 1811: February 3, 1811: Legendary newspaper editor Horace Greeley was born in Amherst, New Hampshire.May 11, 1811: Chang and Eng Bunker, famous conjoined twins, were born in Siam, which will lead to them becoming known as the Siamese Twins.June 14, 1811: Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Toms Cabin, was born in Litchfield, Connecticut.Summer 1811: Work began on the National Road, the first federal highway.November 7, 1811: Troops led by William Henry Harrison defeated Tecumseh at the Battle of Tippecanoe.December 16, 1811: The New Madrid Earthquake struck the Mississippi Valley. 1812: February 7, 1812: British novelist Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England.March 15, 1812: The Luddites, who were opposed to machines being used in manufacturing, attacked a wool factory in England.March 26, 1812: An earthquake leveled Caracas, Venezuela.June 1, 1812: President James Madison asked Congress for a declaration of war against Britain. The causes of the War of 1812 were varied, and included impressment of American sailors.June 18, 1812: The United States Congress declared war on Britain, though opposition to the War of 1812 was strong.June 24, 1812: Napoleon invaded Russia.August 19, 1812: The USS Constitution battled HMS Guerriere and the American ship was victorious.October 1812: Napoleon began his retreat from Moscow.November 5, 1812: James Madison won the U.S. presidential election of 1812, defeating Dewitt Clinton. 1813: The Casselsmans Bridge was built in Maryland as part of the National Road, and was the longest stone arch bridge in America at the time.April 23, 1813: Stephen Douglas, U.S. Senator and rival of Abraham Lincoln, was born in Brandon, Vermont.April 27, 1813: Zebulon Pike, soldier and explorer, was killed at the age of 34 during the War of 1812 in action at York, Ontario, Canada.June 24, 1813: Henry Ward Beecher, American clergyman and reformer, was born in Litchfield, Connecticut.October 5, 1813: Tecumseh, 45-year-old Shawnee leader, was killed by American troops at the Battle of the Thames in Canada. 1814: January 1814: The British government approached Americans, offering to begin negotiations to end the War of 1812.August 24, 1814: British troops landed in Maryland, marched to Washington, D.C., and burned the U.S. Capitol and the Executive Mansion (which would later be called the White House).September 13, 1814: A British fleet bombarded Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland. A British land force simultaneously battled Baltimores defenders on land, at the Battle of Baltimore.September 14, 1814: On the morning after the British bombardment of Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key saw the American flag still flying and wrote The Star-Spangled Banner. Keys lyrics accurately described the Congreve rockets fired during the night.December 24, 1814: American and British negotiators in Belgium signed the Treaty of Ghent, which formally ended the War of 1812. 1815: January 8, 1815: Diverse American forces commanded by Gen. Andrew Jackson defeated British attackers at the Battle of New Orleans. As news traveled slowly, neither side knew the war had actually ended with the Treaty of Ghent weeks earlier.February 1, 1815: Irish political leader Daniel OConnell reluctantly fought a duel outside Dublin and killed his opponent.April 1, 1815: Otto von Bismarck, German statesman, was born in Prussia.April 5-12, 1815: The volcano at Mt. Tambora in Indonesia erupted in a series of explosions over a span of days. Volcanic ash blown into the atmosphere would affect weather worldwide for a year.June 18, 1815: Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo.July 1815: In the Second Barbary War, an American fleet commanded by Stephen Decatur and William Bainbridge defeated the Barbary Pirates. 1816: 1816 became known as The Year Without a Summer as volcanic ash from the Mt. Tambora volcanic eruption caused lower temperatures throughout the world.November 6, 1816: James Monroe was elected president of the United States, defeating Rufus King. 1817: In 1817 a legendary supernatural creature, The Bell Witch, began terrorizing a family on a Tennessee farm.March 4, 1817: James Monroe took the presidential oath of office outdoors, as the U.S. Capitol was still being rebuilt after its burning by the British.July 4, 1817: Construction began on the Erie Canal.July 12, 1817: Author and naturalist Henry David Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts. 1818: The first packet liners began sailing between New York City and Liverpool.February 1818: Abolitionist author Frederick Douglass was born into slavery on a plantation in Maryland.May 5, 1818: Karl Marx, German philosopher, was born in Prussia.December 13, 1818: Mary Todd Lincoln, American first lady, was born in Lexington, Kentucky. 1819: The Panic of 1819 was the first great financial panic of the 19th century.May 24, 1819: Queen Victoria was born at Kensington Palace, London, England.May 31, 1819: American poet Walt Whitman was born at West Hills, Long Island, New York.August 1, 1819: Author Herman Melville was born in New York City.August 26, 1819: Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, was born in Germany.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Emergency Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Emergency Management - Assignment Example Lastly is the fire department in each and every county that handles all types of disasters and emergencies in their county. Each of the five mentioned emergency management and disaster response agency is keen on training people about the different types of disasters and how to response in case they happen as well as how to alleviate some of the disasters. For an individual who is used to emergency management, they react very fast to disasters in terms of seeking safety and the safety of others as well as preventing the effects from spreading further and communicating with others. However, for a private citizen not used to such emergency management, they take time to react. They try to save things that are not necessary as well as forget the safety precaution steps to take and they may find themselves injured. The first step in any disaster is to seek safety and try and calm down so as to take the other necessary steps. Panicking even though is human nature only tends to worsen things and bring disorientation. Keeping calm and planning way forward to safety is what people should always remember (Hyndman and Hyndman,

Got Milk It's Good for You-- Unless It's Contaminated Case Study

Got Milk It's Good for You-- Unless It's Contaminated - Case Study Example This in turn resulted in losses and reduced profits for them. It also brought about health complications among their customers who developed diseases linked to the kidneys. Eventually the businesspersons involved in the fraud had to face very stiff charges that were imposed on them by the authorities. The liability of such an issue should lie on the management along with the members of staff responsible for testing the milk’s quality at their manufacturing plant. This is because the carrying out of these tests will enable the organization to avoid the damages that will come up after their products consumption by their customers. 2. A Customer relations management system would have greatly helped in communicating issues in the milk production supply chain. This is because they would have learnt earlier about the contamination since the customers encountering them would have raised complains. The management would then have responded to the complaints earlier on and helped resolv e the crisis that followed later on (Lieberthal, 2011). For example, the competition in the Chinese market for daily products increased tremendously with the different manufacturing plants offering high prices to get the products from the farmers (Baltzan and Phillips, 2010). ... A company can use a CRM system to perform damage control after finding out about by contaminated milk within their supply chains by collecting information and disbursing it. The system could be important in monitoring the recovery of the affected customers and checking whether there are other complications, which are developing. It could also be vital in distributing information to the teams on the ground on any suspicious products being sold to their customers. This could be through the work of unscrupulous intermediaries as in the case of the Chinese organizations. 3. I do agree with the sentences awarded to the two men for their roles in the milk scandal. The intermediaries were awarded the most appropriate sentence for directly adding harmful substances to the milk (Baltzan and Phillips, 2010). The boss on the other hand was rightfully awarded the life imprisonment term for his ignorance in first testing the milk before it got to their customers (Lieberthal, 2011). The case study clearly indicates that it was the unscrupulous intermediaries who put additives into the milk in an effort of having them pass the test of fitness and quality. The competition that existed in the business caused the standards of their products to fall drastically. The actions of the two men led to the death of many Chinese children along with the hospitalization of thousands more. Some customers also developed kidney ailments that would have had adverse effects on their health conditions. The United States government should also implement similar legislations to protect the consumers of various products against the adverse effects of unethical corporate behaviors. This pieces of legislation will help in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Stress among Student Nurses Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stress among Student Nurses - Research Paper Example Stress affects different people differently since various people perceive stress differently (Michie, 2003). This paper is objectively meant to discuss stress among student nurses, identifying the causes of these stressors and the effects on individuals and the surrounding. Historical perspective Nursing as a subject has been around for a long time. The only difference is that technology introduced better and more advanced equipments in the study as compared to the previous years. Many studies have been carried out regarding the topic of stress among student nurses, and various results were found. For example, a study was carried out in Mansoura at the faculty of nursing, in Mansura University. The study intended to find out the level of stressors among the student nurses, and to find out the possible factors that cause this. The method used in this study was the use of questionnaires which were self administered. The questions in the questionnaire included a list of possible stresso rs, physical wellbeing factors, perceived stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms (Michie, 2003). The age bracket of the student nurses that took part in the study was 17-22 years, where 68% of the total population was from the rural area. After the completion of the study, results were compiled. One of the results showed that a majority of these students perceived stress in mild level, while a few of them bout 12.4% perceived stress in high levels. From this result, it was concluded that some of the reasons that lead to stress among nursing students was education policy. In many countries, for example, in Egypt, nursing colleges admit a large number of students. This does not only cause congestion in classes, but also reduces the level of education (Rhead, 2007). The level of education is compromised since the students, and the teachers do not have a one to one discussion where the student can discuss what they find difficult, with the lectures. The ratio of the student to the stud ents does not balance. Traditionally, these colleges handle studies in a passive learning environment. The faculty offers information, and students memorize the information given to them. This education system denies students the opportunity to learn how to synthesize information, to unravel problems (Rhead, 2007). Another factor seen to be a cause of the stress among the nursing students was the level of nursing education. In countries like Egypt, for instance, there are three various types of nurses; college graduate nurses, technical institute graduates and those from nursing school/ diploma nurses (Rhead, 2007). College and technical institute graduate nurses comprise 4% and 2% of the Egyptian nursing staff respectively. Diploma nurses are; thus, the majority, making 94%. This factor affected the nurses who attended college since even, though, they worked so hard and were able to get their degrees, they ended up being assistant practical nurses who take orders from junior doctor s and senior diploma nurses, unlike in the past where they had leadership and prestigious positions in the hospital environment (Arm, 2011). This kills their morale and causes stress on the college graduates nursing students. The third cause of stress among student nurses discovered from the study was low income. Nursing is not an easy subject, and it is also tremendously expensive. Many graduates hope to be paid well after studying so hard when they join the job market. However, in the nursing

Moet & Chandon - Integrated marketing communications plan Essay

Moet & Chandon - Integrated marketing communications plan - Essay Example Over the years, the company has used brand ambassadors to popularize their champagne, with the current ambassador being the tennis icon, Roger Federer. However, the company has not realized its sales growth potential due to myriad factors including financial crises and growing competition. At times, there have been changes in the market that have presented the company with an opportunity to push its sales further. At the moment, the company hopes to maximize on the findings that â€Å"people are (beginning to become) fed up with austerity and are thus looking for indulgence. Indulgence represents a chance for wine makers and more so champagne makers’ such as Moet & Chandon in the UK. The focus here is to develop an integrated marketing communications plan that would help in capitalizing on the changing market orientation towards indulgence and thus offering a chance for Moet & Chandon to further grow in the UK market. The plan focuses on establishing a name, and placing Moet & Chandon at a competitive position within the next twelve months. Context Analysis-SWOT Analysis Strengths Moet & Chandon though a French company has made it to establish itself as a global company. This is evidenced by the availability of is famous champagne brands all across the globe. This is one of the company’s strengths and one that has helped in establishing the company as the market leaders in the champagne business, at the moment Moet & Chandon has claim to 25? of the global champagne market. The flagship luxury champagne brands are well established and easily identified. The company also benefits from a firm support. This support comes from independent parties within various retail segments who have over the years sold the company’s champagne as the ideal and most preferable and even classy champagne. The other strength is adapted product the company has made it to adapt its products to various consumer needs and this has informed its growth and preference b y a huge and frequent number of champagne users all over the globe. Lastly, the company’s champagne has what can be referred to as a good health of luxury sector. The company’s champagne is identified as the mark of luxury and is a renowned accompaniment of luxurious events or experiences. This is particularly important as it epitomizes indulgence which has been identified as a trend in the near future. Weaknesses One of the weaknesses and one which is not unique to Moet & Chandon is that the production of champagne is dependent on seasons. There might be times when the market demand is high but the overall production is curtailed by the season dependent vineyards. The other weakness is that there is always a need to have a lot of stock, this is not easy and is in the long run very expensive. Lastly, there are fluctuations in the market demand (market volatility) meaning that there lacks consistency in sales (seasonality of sales). Opportunities Going forward, the comp any identifies a host of opportunities which would guarantee growth if at all the company develops a proper and realizable plan while taking advantage of its strengths. One of the opportunities is close relations with customers. This is a great opportunity as the company is able to fast introduce its products to customers who understand the company’

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Capstone Experience(Factors and Trends that Influence Strategy Assignment

A Capstone Experience(Factors and Trends that Influence Strategy Development)1 - Assignment Example The businesses will save a lot of money in the long run. However, there will be reductions in employment, cuts on expenditure, and closure of establishments (Glynn, 2010). Investment strategies involve the business spending on innovation and market diversification. Though it is a risky strategy, many businesses have begun successfully using investment strategies. Businesses will allocate a large portion of their capital towards short-term survival and innovation. Businesses will then exploit all its resources (Glynn, 2010). Ambidextrous strategies are a combination of retrenchment and investment strategies. Businesses that adopt these strategies survive the recession period by cost and asset cutting. The businesses also invest a lot in product innovation and market development. Business managers have a task in choosing the right investment for the business and which cost to cut (Glynn, 2010). In the new post-recession consumer behavior, there are certain factors useful to achieve product differentiation. The factors include good business location to create convenience for the customers, and price differentiation so as to give the customers value for their money. Luxury goods are products which are not necessary; however, they make life more pleasant. Marketers of luxury goods should abandon their efforts to abandon premium pricing because their marketing focuses more on affluent mass markets. It would confuse market players because plenty of goods would not know whether to represent luxury or premium pricing (Silverstein, 2008). It is advantageous to create customer value and satisfaction. Companies should formulate their marketing strategies while sticking to the societal attitudes. For example, Wal-Mart delivers its promises always charging low prices on

Case study report reviewing marketing strategy and operations for Assignment

Case study report reviewing marketing strategy and operations for Nestle company - Assignment Example In essence, the company’s revenue base has been increasing subsequently over the past few decades. Presently, the company is ranked position 72 among the leading global business firms in the food and beverage industry. The company has established itself among the competitors and developed to be a favorite for many consumers in the industry. The company has established several outstanding strategies for building value for stakeholders and consumers. For instance, the company has established a smooth communication system with the customers and the stakeholders. Essentially, the company has made good use of the modern technology to communicate with clients and the stakeholders. For example, the company has developed a comprehensive website where the information regarding the nature and type of products produced by the company can be traced. Moreover, the company enhances quality production to facilitate consumer satisfaction and thereby boost the quantity of sale. Basically, quality production is a primary approach towards creating value for a product or service offered by a company. The Nestle Company has been of great importance to the society on matters of social and economic development. For instance, the company offers education scholarship to students from poor backgrounds. In addition, the company funds education programs that promote the development of technical skills to ensure that all members of the society possess skills from which they can source their daily bread. Consequently, the company supports health development programs in the various regions it has established its business. In addition, the company is an advocate of sustainable development. For instance, the company has established safe disposals points of solid waste to avoid polluting the environment. Moreover, the company as managed to reduce the use of fossil fuels by a notable

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A Capstone Experience(Factors and Trends that Influence Strategy Assignment

A Capstone Experience(Factors and Trends that Influence Strategy Development)1 - Assignment Example The businesses will save a lot of money in the long run. However, there will be reductions in employment, cuts on expenditure, and closure of establishments (Glynn, 2010). Investment strategies involve the business spending on innovation and market diversification. Though it is a risky strategy, many businesses have begun successfully using investment strategies. Businesses will allocate a large portion of their capital towards short-term survival and innovation. Businesses will then exploit all its resources (Glynn, 2010). Ambidextrous strategies are a combination of retrenchment and investment strategies. Businesses that adopt these strategies survive the recession period by cost and asset cutting. The businesses also invest a lot in product innovation and market development. Business managers have a task in choosing the right investment for the business and which cost to cut (Glynn, 2010). In the new post-recession consumer behavior, there are certain factors useful to achieve product differentiation. The factors include good business location to create convenience for the customers, and price differentiation so as to give the customers value for their money. Luxury goods are products which are not necessary; however, they make life more pleasant. Marketers of luxury goods should abandon their efforts to abandon premium pricing because their marketing focuses more on affluent mass markets. It would confuse market players because plenty of goods would not know whether to represent luxury or premium pricing (Silverstein, 2008). It is advantageous to create customer value and satisfaction. Companies should formulate their marketing strategies while sticking to the societal attitudes. For example, Wal-Mart delivers its promises always charging low prices on

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Address and analyse an existing Food security intervention in Essay

Address and analyse an existing Food security intervention in preferably a developing country (poor African,Asian countries) - Essay Example Hence, the concept of food security has to be more inclusive in order to capture the dimensions of the issue. Availability of food to the needy people is considered to be food security. Normally, food energy intake at household level has been given priority in assessing food security. But in the case of Kerala state in India, it will be unrealistic to expect food self sufficiency. But through public intervention methods, importantly through Public Distribution System, Kerala has done considerable successful interventions in food security, though the problem has not been solved fully. The issue of food security in the form of non-availability of sufficient calorie intake exists only in exceptional marginalized pockets of the state (Ahluwalia, 1993 and Dre’ze and Sen, 1995). The problem of food insecurity persists in India, even though it is a food surplus and food grains exporting country. Massive scale of chronic hunger and malnutrition are the sides of this problem. The prevalence of malnutrition in India is higher than many of the very poor African countries. The percentage of under weight children below five, is 43 in India while it is 28 in Sub Saharan Africa and 42 in South Asia. Likewise, the number and proportion of people living in chronic hunger in India is far above than any other country in the world (UNICEF, 2010). But when the children below the age of three are considered, then the situation seems to be more severe with 45.9 percent of children as malnourished and the anemia prevalence of 56 percent women. Again, data from the NNMB reveal that nearly half of the adult population had a body mass index below the norm in 1993-94 (Datta, 1998; Suryanarayana, 1999 and Gulati etal,). It is to be noted that the rate of decline of the malnourish ed persons has been very slow. The situation has again been worsened during 2008-09 with rapid increase in prices of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Treatment for Juveniles Essay Example for Free

Treatment for Juveniles Essay Introduction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Juvenile offenders compose a considerable chunk of criminal offenders confined in various institutions all over the United States (Juvenile offenders, 2003). In fact, reports show that the number of juvenile offenders has risen over the past decade (Juvenile offenders, 2003). Two Corrections Compendium surveys conducted ten years apart show that the number of juvenile offenders increased by an average of 11.5 percent over the said period (Juvenile offenders, 2003).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The determination of the determining age for persons to be classified as an adult or juvenile offender vary from state to state (Juvenile offenders, 2003). An accused could execute a waiver to adult court, and the age limit for such a waiver similarly varies in different states (Juvenile offenders, 2003). For example, in Kansas, the age limit could go for as low as ten years of age, while Illinois has set the bar at seventeen tears (Juvenile offenders, 2003).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Considering the rising number of juvenile offenders each year, there is likewise an observed increase in the number of secure juvenile facilities in the country (Juvenile offenders, 2003). From 95 secure juvenile facilities in 1993, there are now 169 such facilities based on 22 U.S. reporting systems (Juvenile offenders, 2003). Characteristics of Good Juvenile Facilities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Good juvenile facilities offer various programs for juvenile offenders, including academic courses, mental health counseling, life skills training, vocational training, anger management classes, substance abuse education, and religious programs (Juvenile offenders, 2003). There are also newly integrated programs designed to help juvenile offenders reintegrate themselves in society, in order to allow them smoother transition from detention to the outside world (Baltodano, Platt, Roberts, 2005). These programs include sexual health education, expressive art therapy, and restorative justice practices (Juvenile offenders, 2003). Issues in Juvenile Treatment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One vital issue in juvenile treatment concerns aftercare programs. Such programs are vital for they serve as the means by which the treated juvenile offender can slowly reintegrate themselves into the community. The primary goal of aftercare programs is to, â€Å"Reduce the likelihood of recidivism and to foster success in the community.† (Baltodano et al, 2005) In Baltodano et al (2005), a study to determine the juveniles’ perception of aftercare programs. Particular focus was given on the effectiveness of the transition process as perceived by the youth themselves. Research Design and Data Analysis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Baltodano et al (2005) study utilized the survey as the primary data collection method. The survey involved 120 youth in a chosen urban county detention facility. The participants were asked what their opinions were on issues such as, â€Å"The effectiveness of transition services, and characteristics of programs that they felt were beneficial.† (Baltodano et al, 2005)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The findings of the study revealed that there were no significant relationships that existed between the number of times of previous detention, the youth’s gender, special education status, or the difficulty that the youth encountered with returning to school. Nevertheless, there was a significant finding in that the youths who anticipated being released and going home to family or relatives had a lower mean number of times of being detained again than those who find themselves in other situations upon release. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A review of the Baltodano et al (2005) study reveals the value of aftercare programs of juvenile detention centers. Based on the findings of the said study, it is deemed vital that carefully planned aftercare programs be implemented in juvenile detention centers. This will ensure that the youths will still be properly monitored. Also, this will allow the youth to receive guidance as to how they can successfully reintegrate themselves into the community. Finally, aftercare programs will help decrease the chances of the youth being detained again. References Baltodano, H. M., Platt, D. Roberts, C. W. (2005). Transition from Secure Care to the Community: Significant Issues for Youth in Detention. Journal of Correctional Education 56(4), p. 372-388. Juvenile offenders. (2003). Corrections Compendium 28(5), p. 9-15. Wilder, B. A., Riley III, F. E., Sorensen, L. H. (2004). Quality Improvement in Juvenile Corrections: An Opportunity That Benefits Staff and Clients. Corrections Today   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   66(7), p. 122-127.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Importance of Facilitation in Group Decision-making Essay -- Group

The need for a facilitator arises from the dynamics of group decision-making. In real and everyday life in business, management, politics, crisis conflict, education, etc. group meetings, each individual in the group does not think in the same way (divergent thinking) in real life, humans tend to go off on tangents, lose the original focus for the group meeting. Facilitators are needed to get ideas to converge in a way that reaches the decision point (Doyle and Kaner, 2007). A facilitator is a person who creates an environment which allows groups or organizations to be able to be more effective; to achieve their goals. Facilitators have to be essentially neutral in their stance and they must also not have any decision-making authority (Doyle and Kaner, 2007). The lecture addresses: a) The meaning of Facilitation b) Core Values of Facilitation c) Role of the Facilitator d) Key Facilitation Skills and Methods e) The Benefits of Facilitation A facilitator is not allowed to advocate for a specific view point during the process. The facilitator could be from within the organisation as well from outside the organisation (Schwarz, 2002), nevertheless the chosen facilitator needs to be accepted by all parties involved in the meeting. Literature also suggests that facilitators are only there to lead the process, where the process refers to the dynamics of group work like communication, making decisions, solving problems and handling conï ¬â€šict and that the facilitators do not contribute to the meeting in terms of substance. The literature also suggests that facilitators need to improve the structure of the setting in which they operate, where structure can be seen as the makeup of the group and group roles and this leads to an improve... ...e ground rules for conduct and behaviour and the group members agree to them before any meeting even begins. Effective facilitation requires a certain level of awareness or discernment of personalities during the program. REFERENCES Bono, E. (1999). Six Thinking Hats, Back Bay Books Publishers. Doyle, M., & Kaner, S. (2007). Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision, Jossey-Bass Publishers. Heron, J. (1999). The Complete Facilitator's Handbook, Kogan Page Publishers. Hogan, C. (2002). Understanding Facilitation: Theory and Principles, Kogan Page Publishers. Rees, F. (1998). The Facilitator Excellence Handbook: Helping People Work Creatively and Productively Together, Jossey-Bass Publishers. Schwarz, R. (2002). The Skilled Facilitator: A Comprehensive Resource for Consultants, Facilitators, Managers, Trainers, and Coaches, Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Clinical Practice Essay -- Health Care

This assignment will underline three key skills learnt during clinical practice; weight monitoring, blood pressure and bed baths. Reflection is a key aspect within nursing. It allows the individual to look back on previous events and analyse the positives and negatives which occurred in a particular situation. Reflection is used to encourage the development in learning and gaining a more in depth understanding in practice (Beener et al.1996).There are many reflective models available including Gibbs (1988). Gibbs(1988) reflective cycle will be used as the framework upon which these three skills to be reflected as this cycle requires a description of the event, the feelings experienced at the time and evaluation of the account which is followed by an analysis, conclusion and action plan. I will discuss how the skills were attained, and any future learning development needs I may need, backed up by literature and research available. In line with NMC (2008) confidentiality requirement, clients will be referred as A, B or C where appropriate. Description During my second week of placement I was asked by my mentor to carry out a weight observation on a six week old baby. Prior to this I had observed my mentor perform this clinical procedure a number of times while I assisted her. However on this occasion I was able to complete this skill by myself with the supervision of my mentor. Firstly I greeted the parents of baby A and advised them to undress him as I calculated his age and set up the equipment needed, I cleaned the weighing scale using disinfectant wipes and placed a paper towel on the surface to prevent baby A from feeling cold. I then switched on the weighing scales and called the parents over with baby A. I laid baby A ge... ...ouraged frequently. I now believe I have gained a better insight into my own strengths and weaknesses and can now take time to in improving them as a means to grow and evolve in my professionalism, to act on a patient’s welfare and safety in order to secure a good reputation (Thompson et al, 2006) Action plan In order to advance in practice I feel I need to develop my communication skills. This can be achieved through in depth research; using the aid of reading and advice from other health professionals into the different types of communication for instance body language, formal, verbal and non-verbal communication as well as looking into different ways of using these methods to the best of my ability, guaranteeing a high standard of patient care. This will equally help me and patients to establish a better relationship and improve the care that is given.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Making and receiving telephone calls Essay

The Learner will: 1.Understand how to make telephone calls. 1.2 Give reasons for identifying the purpose of a call before making it. To not waste time, so you are aware what information you need and are therefore able to ask the right questions. It is also important as you will sound professional and organised, which will reflect well upon the company you work for. It may be a good idea to have a checklist written down of all you need to know, this way you won’t forget anything and you can avoid having to call back later for forgotten information. This will prove to be a much more efficient way of working and save time. For example: If I was at work and I needed to phone a GP surgery to do with a fax that they’d sent through. I would firstly make sure I had the fax in front of me with the relevant patient information on. This way when I speak to the surgery I will have all the information to hand they may initially ask for before they are then able to assist me with my query. It is important to think through a conversation before making the call to ensure you are prepared and have the knowledge they may need. Again if I was phoning another department within the hospital trying to locate a set of patient notes I would make sure I could tell them, the patient name and medical record number, where the notes are traced to on the computer and on what day, time and by who, if they have any appointments booked soon and where and if there was any useful information on the most recent pin note, all of this would help narrow down the search to locate the patient’s notes. 1.3 Describe different ways of obtaining the names and numbers of people that need to be contacted. If you know the name of the company you need to contact then you could look up their contact details on their website on the Internet. You could also use an online phone book like the yellow pages website for most contact details. You could simply ask someone within your office/department if they have the contact details to hand as it may have been someone they have dealt with before. At Musgrove we  have the intranet, our internal website, on this you can find lots of information about the hospital, including an internal directory, where you can find out anyone’s extension number who works within the hospital by adding in their name or department. I also have a list of contacts on my pin board for numbers within our department and for the rest of the hospital. If I need to make calls to GP surgeries or surrounding hospitals I usually go on google and find them easily that way . 1.4 Describe how to use a telephone system to make contact with people inside and outside an organisation. In Musgrove we have a system that I imagine is the same with most businesses. To make an outside call you simply press 9 to gain an outside line and then type in the number you require, including the area code if needed. With internal calls you simply need to enter the 4 digit extension number for the appropriate person in the appropriate department. If you are unsure of the extension number for the call you need to make internally you can simply go on Musgrove’s intranet and use their internal directory. Here you can enter their name and/or department and it will bring up their contact information i.e email address and extension number. 1.6 Explain the purpose of summarising the outcomes of a telephone conversation before ending the call. It is important to make sure and clarify that all the information is correct and accurate so you are both aware of agreed times and goals etc, avoiding any confusion. It will avoid wires getting crossed as it is not recorded like in an email to look over after, this is also why it’s always advisable to make a note of the telephone conversation. 1.7 Describe how to identify problems and who to refer them to. If someone phones the department with a problem and it is not something I can deal with I would firstly take their name and contact details. I would ask for their phone number in case for any reason they get disconnected at any point during the call, we are then still able to call them back. Next I would find out what the problem was and what department they spoke to and then transfer them on to one of the secretaries with the obtained information. 1.8 Describe organisation structures and communication channels within an organisation At Musgrove there are certain channels we would go down depending on what the call was regarding. I often receive calls that I am unable to deal with so need to redirect to other lines in our department. Patients often contact my line querying their appointments and as I am unable to help them with this I transfer them to the Appointments office next door. To do this I would, firstly inform the caller that I was going to transfer them to the Appointments office where their query could be answered. I would then press the Recall button on the telephone and dial the four digit extension number for one of the girls in charge of arranging appointments. When they answered I would briefly explain the callers query and then hang up, thus connecting the caller to the transferred line. It is important to keep the explanation brief so you don’t keep the patient waiting any longer than is absolutely necessary. If for any reason no one was available to take the call in appointments I would then need to transfer the call back to the caller by pressing the recall button followed by *1. I would then need to explain that they were busy at present so offer them the number to call them directly. If I receive any complaints over the telephone the first action I would take would be to transfer the call through to one of the secretaries as they are better equipped to deal with such situations. Depending on the outcome of their conversation they may need to be transferred on to PALS where they can deal with the complaint more appropriately. 1.9 Describe how to follow organisational procedures when making a telephone call It’s always important to introduce yourself and state where you are calling from for example if I was making a call to a GP surgery I would start the call by saying – â€Å"Hello my name’s Nic and I’m calling from the cardiology department at Musgrove Park Hospital† I would make sure prior to making the call that I had any questions needed to ask, to hand or know what information I required from the telephone conversation. This way you ensure that the phone call is carried out efficiently, it is always good to recap the conversation where appropriate to confirm you have all the correct and accurate information needed. It is important to always remain polite and  speak clearly whilst on the telephone. You need to remember that you are representing your company so need to stay professional. Working at a Hospital you must always be aware and careful about who you are speaking to, ensuring that you only give out patient details to appropriate people such as GP surgeries, other local Hospitals or of course the patient themselves. 1.10 and 2.9 Explain how to report telephone system faults To be able to be as precise and informative as possible, concerning a telephone system fault, will usually help to resolve the issue as fast and simply as possible. If there was a fault with my telephone system at work I would firstly make sure it was not a simple error my end – for example if the telephone line had accidently been pulled out of the wall, or if the receiver was not put back on the stand correctly, meaning you were not getting any calls connected. After checking these simple things, if there was still a problem I would inform my mentor or one of the secretaries in case it was an error they were familiar with. Failing that I would contact the switchboard regarding the error or possibly the IT department. 2. Understand how to receive and transfer telephone calls 2.1 Describe how to identify callers and their needs Within the hospital many calls are made internally between offices and departments. I especially deal with calls like these when other departments are requesting patient notes that are located to the Cardiology department. The caller would state their name and department when I answered the phone as this is trust procedure. I may then ask â€Å"how can I help you† although this would not normally be necessary for this type of call as the caller would have already said â€Å"I need a set of notes that are currently traced to you†. I would next ask them for the patient’s full name and medical record number. I would also reconfirm the department they were calling from, where the notes were needed and the date the notes needed to be with them. I would also ask the caller for their extension number so I could ring them back if needed, for example if I couldn’t locate the notes or if they needed the notes as soon as possible so were coming to collect them when they were ready. All of this information would be written down in a note pad so I  always had it to hand if I needed to refer back to it at any point. 2.2 Explain the purpose of giving accurate and up to date information to callers Giving a customer accurate information over the telephone is crucial to the success and reputation of a business and could determine their future. If a caller is phoning a company regarding a price on a product they are selling and are told the wrong information, the customer will have instantly lost their trust in the company and as a result are almost certain to take their business elsewhere. It will not only make the company look inadequate but unprofessional also. At Musgrove it is very important to relay accurate and up-to-date information, whether it is directly to a patient or to a GP surgery regarding a patient. It is especially important within a hospital environment as inaccurate information could result in possible life threatening situations for patients and a lot of unnecessary worry and upset. When a patient is making a telephone call to the hospital they are often likely to be anxious and worried and will need to be put at ease and reassured. To be able to do this it’s important to answer their queries promptly and professionally with accurate information delivered in a clear and concise way as this will also help to build trust with the patient. 2.3 Explain the purpose of confidentiality and security when dealing with callers When talking to somebody over the phone there is no easy way to validate the identity of the caller, nothing to easily confirm to you that they are who they say they are. This is why often customers have to identify themselves with a password when speaking with a company over the phone regarding sensitive and personal information. Confidentiality and security procedures must be strictly followed and adhered to within the hospital under the Data Protection Act 1989. If a patient calls the office at work enquiring about an investigation or treatment they are due to have or indeed have had and are waiting for the results, the secretary taking the call must always ask for some personal details about themselves before disclosing any information. Even then there is only limited information they are permitted to tell the patient over the phone. They often have to wait until a letter arrives in the post as this is a much more secure way of conveying the  information. 2.4 Describe the types of information that could affect confidentiality and security and how to handle these The Data Protection Act was put in to place in 1998 to prevent confidential or security information from being shared or being released to the public. Peoples personal details such as their National insurance number, Pin numbers for their bank accounts or passwords for access to information are all things that must be kept confidential at all times. Everyone at Musgrove is responsible for keeping confidential information confidential and disclosing any private details would actually be breaking the law. At work we see a lot of patient’s medical records, these are also strictly confidential and we must not share this information with anyone who is not authorised to see them. At work if we come in to contact with medical records that belong to somebody we know they must immediately be passed on to another member of staff to deal with, as seeing them would compromise the confidentiality and privacy of the individual. There was recently a massive confidentiality breach within the hospital when a celebrity visited the hospital and a member of staff put a message about it on twitter. With so many social media outlets these days it makes it even more vital to keep information private, I believe the employee was dismissed from the trust and rightly so. 2.5 Describe ways of identifying the appropriate person to whom a call is transferred Often the caller won’t have a name of the person they want to speak to so it is always good to reconfirm that they have called the right department. If they are a little unsure it is important to ask briefly what the call is reference to, this would then hopefully give you enough information to know the appropriate person to deal with it. At work there’s usually only a few different locations I may need to transfer calls to. I sometimes take calls from patients that need to reschedule a future appointment or that just want some information about it. In this case I would tell the patient that I needed to transfer them through to the appointments office, where somebody could help them with their query. I also have calls form patients and GP surgeries that I sometimes are unable to deal with myself. In these circumstances I would transfer them through to  one of the secretaries, whoever was taking the phones that day. If I was still unsure on a call I would explain to the caller that I just need to put them on hold for a minute while I try to determine the most appropriate person to help them by speaking to the secretaries for advice. 2.6 Describe the information to be given when transferring calls or leaving messages After you have established who the caller is and why they are calling you then need to refer them to the correct or most appropriate person. I would explain to them that I was transferring them on so to please bear with me for a minute while I do so. Next I would push the recall button and the appropriate extension number. I would tell the member of staff I was forwarding them on to, who the caller was, where they were calling from and any information I had about what their call was regarding. When taking a message for someone at work I have actually prepared a message slip that I use to ensure I obtain all the appropriate information. On this slip I record the caller’s name, where they are calling from, what the caller’s contact number is, who the message is for, the actual message, I also record the date and time of the call so when I pass the message on they are aware of timescales. 2.7 Describe how to identify problems and who to refer them to A problem we have previously experienced at work is calls being lost when being transferred between phones. In this instance I would contact the member of staff who was transferring the call to me to see if they had the caller’s phone number or any information about them so I could call them back. Calling them back will show that you care and that you are efficient in your work. If this is a problem that continues to happen it must mean that there is a connection fault of some sort so it should be reported to the switchboard to the IT department so they can log it and hopefully sort it. 2.8 Describe how to follow organisational procedures when receiving a telephone call When receiving calls within the department we always answer with our name and the department we are in, this way the caller will instantly know if they have phoned the right location which will also save wasting anyone’s time. Another of the trust’s procedures is answering the  telephone within three rings, this is important to do as nobody likes being left waiting for someone to answer a call, especially when it could be anxious patients or patient’s relatives.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pitt Street in Sydney and Bourke Street Mall in Melbourne Essay

Apart from Zara, Inditex also owns international labels Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarious, Oysho, Zara Home and Uterqà ¼e. The formula for Zara is simple: latest catwalk trends reproduced, plus new stocks delivered to stores in fewer than 15 days, plus giggle-inducing prices, equates to global success. â€Å"Our decision to come to Australia now is based on two main reasons. Firstly, our operations are at that capability level of supplying to a country like Australia, which is quite far away from our headquarters in Spain. With new stocks needing to be sent every two weeks, we had to be absolutely sure we could handle this new amount of orders. â€Å"Secondly, we were waiting for the right locations to become available, and now we [have] found two excellent spots in Sydney and Melbourne and were happy to launch into Australia.† Fleur Madden-Topley, managing director of PR agencies Red and Blue by Red, feels that Australian consumers have also created the demand for the brand’s entrance onto our shores Touted as one of the world’s most successful logistics operations by the Harvard Business Review, the production line is executed like clockwork, where lorries move in and out on schedule to ensure each store gets its fortnightly update of stocks right on time. Echevarria oversees all international marketing activities and media relationships, engaging assistance from a local public relations firm only during momentous occasions like new store openings. Zara’s closest competitors, such as Swedish label H&M, the UK’s Top Shop and the US’s Gap, spend typically three to five percent of annual revenues on advertising campaigns, and have a penchant for involving celebrities, either in their advertising or their product lines. Top Shop has its sought after Kate Moss collection, while H&M has limited pieces designed by the likes of Madonna and Kylie Minogue. Gap is well-known for attracting star names, such as Lucy Liu, Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer, to appear in its advertisements. Our store locations and window fronts are our biggest form of advertising Zara tailors its products to each city â€Å"Zara has effectively utilised word of mouth, or strategic public relations, in building and maintaining its brand. So while rivals outsource to Asia, Zara makes its most fashionable items — half of all its merchandise — at a dozen company-owned factories in Spain. Clothes with a longer shelf life, such as basic T-shirts, are outsourced to low-cost suppliers, mainly in Asia and Turkey. Zara’s nerve center is an 11,000-square-foot hall at its headquarters in Arteixo, a town of 25,000 in Galicia. That’s where hundreds of twentysomething designers, buyers, and production planners work in tightly synchronized teams. It is there that the company does all of its design and distribution and half of its production. The concentrated activity enables it to move a dress, blouse, or coat from drawing board to shop floor in just two weeks — less than a quarter of the industry average. Inditex says it works with unions and other organizations â€Å"to have the most respectful supply chain† and audits all of its partners every year, but like most major fashion companies that outsource the manufacturing of their clothes, it has received its share of complaints about factory conditions

Activity Based Costing of City Services Essay

Required: 1. The new mayor became elected with the pledge of rapid privatization. But instead of downright privatization, his first action was to ask for cost estimation of public service. Why do you think he asked for cost estimation instead of privatizing the public service right away? Was it a sensible action? 2. Existing DOT employees were allowed to bid against private businesses. Was it a sensible decision? For example, they could have been just fired. 3. How well did the project team implement ABC for estimating the cost of pothole filling? Do you agree with the manner in which they treated equipment cost and excess capacity? 4. Should the city have allowed the municipal employees to see the ABC estimates and given them the opportunity to reduce their costs? 5. Calculate the bids the city workers will issue for fixing potholes in the Northwest and Northeast quadrants. 6. The new mayor wants to continue to outsource city services through competitive bidding. Do you think that’s a good idea? What are the concerns the city should consider? Colorscope, Inc. Instruction: 1. What was the value statement of Colorscope to customers? In other words, why would any customer go to Colorscope instead of other large printers? We are going to analyze cost structure of Colorscope using a departmental cost allocation method. This is a two stage system. First categorize cost to different production centers (= departments = Job prep, Scanning, Assembly, Output, and Quality). Then allocate cost in each center to a job in the second stage. 2. Complete the following first stage allocation. Job prep Wages $8,000 Depreciation Rent Others* Total MOH DLH POHR Floor space * allocated by DLH Scanning Assembly Output Quality Idle Total 3. Analyze the job profitability by filling out the following sheet with dollars. (Hint: Add labor cost and allocated MOH.) Job # 61001 61002 Revenue Materials Job prep $9,600 Scanning Assembly Output Quality Net profits 62001 Idle Total Profit Then summarize your findings. 4. Analyze the rework cost by filling out the following sheet for the jobs with a rework. Job # 61001 61002 Materials Job prep Scanning Assembly Output Quality Net profits 62001 Total What is the financial consequence of reworks? (Hint: compare the profits before and after reworks.) 5. What would you recommend to Colorscope Inc. to improve their business?