Friday, May 31, 2019

Electoral College :: essays research papers

The framers intent of setting up the American Government will never beknow for sure, but it is gathered that they preferred a republic over ademocracy. In the constitutional convention the drafters had to decide how muchpower they would trust with the people of the United States, and how muchshould be controlled by representatives. They chose to devote Congress Make thelaws, and congress would be selected directly by the people. But another tellof government, the executive branch, needed a sole president and the framershad to decide how to accept this president. They chose from three main agreements elect the president by congress, the people, or electors. The electoralcollege system has been in place for over 200 years and Americans are still notsure how it works or if it is the best system. Many Americans feel they go tothe polls every year and vote for the president, and in the long run they are incontrol of the fate of our executive branch.This third system was to have elect ors that could not be a member ofcongress vote for the president. The elector system was voted down twice, onceas the electors to be chosen by read legislatures, and the other time as theelectors to be chosen by direct vote. Finally it was passed under the system ofletting state legislature decide how to choose the electors. Another compromisehad to be made about how many electors each state would have. This wasagreed upon by the electors equaling the total of the states representatives andsenators.States went three main routes in choosing electors the legislative system,where state legislatures choose the electors a district system, where electors areselected by the people of each congressional district and the general ticket, or awinner-take-all system, where a normal vote was held in the entire state, andthe winner alsok all electoral votes. Many have tried to reform by making a more unvaried system state by state, but the constitution is very clear that it is eachstates own d ecision of how to choose electors.The legislative system eventually failed because of too much bargaining,promises, and payoffs. The district system eventually lost popularity because itencourages third parties. This left the general ticket system as the dominatingsystem. However, the framers originally intended electors to be chosen by thepeople and then vote for what they thought was best. There are two states thatstill use the district system, but the remaining 48 states use the general ticketsystem.Most all states no longer show the electors names on the ballot.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Unpacking the ‘Education’ in Civic Education :: Education Learning essays

Unpacking the pedagogics in Civic Education precisUnpacking the Education in Civic EducationIn this paper, we explore civic education through an examination of twoapproaches to the introductory course in American government. Our endeavor is to identify how differences in pedagogical method affect student learning and attitude formation. We do this through a comparison of two identical groups of students iodine group experiencing a standard text- reproof-test approach and the other having the additional experience of a three-week character-playing simulation of the congressional policy process. While we find that both(prenominal) groups of students agnize short-term gains on factual knowledge and both experience attitude shifts in our hoped for directions, the effects are greater in the standard lecture course. Our general findings help clarify directions for further revision in both formats of the course. The impressiveness of civic education has been well-established. F rom the earliest political theorists, we see discussion of the importance of a well-informed citizenry for the health of a polity. While skeptical of the power of the people to self-govern, the framers of American democracy still argued that the ultimate power rest in the people, who would even have the right to overthrow government should it violate the social contract with those over whom it governed (as in the Declaration of Independence, where we see Jeffersons thoughts so understandably influenced by Locke). Closer to modern times, much public opinion literature has engaged in discussions or so Americans levels of political knowledge, and the consequences that flow from this (see, for just a rattling few prominent examples, Campbell, Converse, Miller and Stokes 1960 Converse 1964 Delli Carpini and Keeter 1991, 1996 Graber 1994 Jennings 1996 Nie, Verba and Petrocik 1979).To our minds, civic education is about preparing our students to be citizens in the American democracy. This involves teaching them the rudiments of knowledge postulate for nurture a newspaper (or political web site), watching the news on television, and understanding what is going on in the world. Civic education likewise concerns itself with attitudes for example, teaching students to have a healthy skepticism for what goes on in government, but grounding this skepticism in a reality that does not continue phantasmagorical expectations for government or its officials (see Hibbing and Theiss-Morse 1995, 2002 for a useful discussion of unrealistic expectations). Finally, civic education also concerns behaviors, as we encourage students to make intelligent, informed decisions about the end to which they will participate in the political system.Unpacking the Education in Civic Education Education Learning essaysUnpacking the Education in Civic EducationAbstractUnpacking the Education in Civic EducationIn this paper, we explore civic education through an examination of twoappr oaches to the introductory course in American government. Our goal is to identify how differences in pedagogical method affect student learning and attitude formation. We do this through a comparison of two equivalent groups of students one group experiencing a standard text-lecture-test approach and the other having the additional experience of a three-week character-playing simulation of the congressional policy process. While we find that both groups of students make short-term gains on factual knowledge and both experience attitude shifts in our hoped for directions, the effects are greater in the standard lecture course. Our overall findings help clarify directions for further revision in both formats of the course. The importance of civic education has been well-established. From the earliest political theorists, we see discussion of the importance of a well-informed citizenry for the health of a polity. While skeptical of the power of the people to self-govern, the fram ers of American democracy still argued that the ultimate power rested in the people, who would even have the right to overthrow government should it violate the social contract with those over whom it governed (as in the Declaration of Independence, where we see Jeffersons thoughts so clearly influenced by Locke). Closer to modern times, much public opinion literature has engaged in discussions about Americans levels of political knowledge, and the consequences that flow from this (see, for just a very few prominent examples, Campbell, Converse, Miller and Stokes 1960 Converse 1964 Delli Carpini and Keeter 1991, 1996 Graber 1994 Jennings 1996 Nie, Verba and Petrocik 1979).To our minds, civic education is about preparing our students to be citizens in the American democracy. This involves teaching them the rudiments of knowledge required for reading a newspaper (or political web site), watching the news on television, and understanding what is going on in the world. Civic educatio n also concerns itself with attitudes for example, teaching students to have a healthy skepticism for what goes on in government, but grounding this skepticism in a reality that does not hold unrealistic expectations for government or its officials (see Hibbing and Theiss-Morse 1995, 2002 for a useful discussion of unrealistic expectations). Finally, civic education also concerns behaviors, as we encourage students to make intelligent, informed decisions about the extent to which they will participate in the political system.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Media Bias Essay -- News Media Television Biased Opinion Essays

Media Bias IntroductionOne problem that plagues us everyday without us compensate realizing it is media bias. We see it in the news. We see it on our favorite sitcoms. We memorise it everyday in the paper. Yet, we really dont recognize it when we hear it or see it. Media bias is evident in every aspect of the media, yet the problem is that we dont even recognize it when it is right in front of our faces. Are the impressions that we form about individuals a product of the media? Do we form certain opinions about particular types of pack based solely on the things we see and hear in the media everyday without even realizing it? The problem is not only that there is media bias present, still as wellhead that we baset recognize it when we see it. What is media bias? Media bias is the tendency for the media to represent different multitude in a particular way based on their profess views, the views of their sponsors, and possibly the views of society. Media bias could be blatant, but usually it is subtle. It can be expressed in the content of television shows. It can be expressed in the choices of types of stories that they show on the news. It can be expressed in the language used on shows, and that is written in the newspaper and magazines. Media bias is any classify set forth by the media that portrays individuals to society in a certain way. Media bias doesn?t even have to be a negative portrayal, but more of an inaccurate portrayal of people that helps aid to the ignorance of individuals in society. In the following paper, I depart give specific instances where media biases have occurred as well as show that it is a common occurrence that we may not realize. I will also show you why individuals believe that media bias is not a problem because if you can?t blatantly recognize it, how can it be there. I will also show how stereotypes set forth by the media sometimes mirror stereotypes that are set forth by society, and they only exist to help form the belief and value system of society. I will also offer possible solutions to such problems. Media bias is a large problem, in that its? existence is not blatant nor is it one that many people tactual sensation threatened by.Examples of Media BiasFirst we need to examine the cases where this is present. Less obvious stereotypes are those of women. Women?s roles in society have changed throughout the times. Are the... ... do it a requirement that so many community based programs or positive things are shown on the news each segment. The elimination of media bias is clean much impossible due to the fact that large corporations head the media, and the heads of most large corporations are white men, but by the implementation of certain strategies it would be a move in the right direction. Media bias is a problem, though it may not be blatant, it is serious because it could be helping to form people?s beliefs about others. People are scared of the unknown, and by giving them a certain portrayal of someone they have had no interaction with it can have detrimental effects. Who knows actually what impact media bias has had on the nation as a whole. How do we know whether or not media bias has do an individual not get or even lose a job? How do we know how many friendships media bias has stopped from even world initiated? Hopefully one day we will be able to recognize what media bias is, only then will we be able to begin the serve well of fighting to put an end to it. Only then will we be able to create a fair, unbiased media that is diverse and one that encompasses the ideas of an ideal media.

Muhammed Ali Essay example -- Biography Biographies Cassius Clay

Muhammed AliIn some peoples eyes Muhammed Ali is the greatest boxer ever. He was even classified as the greatest jockstrap in the 20th century by Sports Illustrated. He was the first to win the heavyweight title three times. He was a worldwide entertainer, and millions of people enjoyed honoring his style. He was also very controversial because of his religious beliefs, his name change from Cassius body to Muhammed Ali and his refusal to fight in the Vietnam War. Muhammed Ali grew up in Louisville, Kentucky but he was cognise as Cassius Clay. He lived a normal life until the age of twelve when his bicycle was stolen during a local convention of the Louisville Service Club. Clay wanted to breed the crime and went to find a police officer. He found Joe Martin, an officer and a boxing coach at the Columbia Gym . Clay told Martin Im going to whip the person who stole my bike. Martin then proceeded to tell Clay that if he wanted to do that he should come to the gym and drive how to fight properly. Clay was a small man when he started boxing as an amateur he weighed only eighty-nine pounds. Clay would soon fit the man to see at the Columbia Gym. Joe Martins wife said that Clay was an overall nice guy. He was polite and always did what he was asked to do. He carried his Bible with him all the time, read when he could, and loved it. Throughout his amateur career and high school, Clay worked at the Nazareth College Library. Clay also was viewed as a kid obsessed with boxing. Clay got bigger and stronger as his talents grew. Sometimes, to keep in shape, Clay would race the city buses to school. Bettie Johnson, a school counselor said Clay wasnt a good student, and if he had not been a boxer, he would not have stood out in any way but he went to school like he was supposed to. Clay never had any problems with his attitude in school, but as a senior he wrote a paper about Black Muslims. Clays paper was controversial because his teacher was a conforming Christian and his ideas about separatism and blacks being super-assertive frightened her. The teacher wasnt going to pass Clay, but the principal said the boy will not fail, because hes going to be an bully boxer. Clay was becoming a boxing phenomenon the first newspaper article about him was published on October 27, 1957. By then Clay had been boxing for 3 years and was clearly the number on... who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. Since throwing his sumptuous medal away in Rome, Ali had been gaining fame ever since. After retiring from boxing Ali has been doing charity work for his community in Louisville. In 1986, he was presented with the Ellis Island Medal of keep an eye on for his lifetime achievements in promoting peace, unity, for his charitable donations and for sports. Ali is now the most recognized athlete throughout the world, and he was given the opportunity to light the Olympic flame at the 1996 summer Olympics in Atlanta. Also during those Olympics, Ali was given an exact replica of the gold medal he threw away many years ago. Muhammed Ali now has Parkinsons ailment, and is battling the disease every step of the way. He was appointed the spokesman for the National Parkinsons Foundation where he brings pride, hope, and faith to others who also battle the disease.Boxing fans now regard Muhammed Ali as a genuine artist of the sport and a legendary hero. Ali revitalized the sport and is known for more than just his boxing accomplishments. Muhammed Ali has changed forever what we expect a champion to be.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Impact of Divorce on a Teenager :: Impact of Divorce on Children

All over the world, parents decide to disassociate and this leaves children hurt and confused. The children may lose contact with one parent or they energy decide to makes some bad decisions in their life due to the feeling of neglect. Some of the bad choices could be mental health disorders and struggling in academics. in that location are impacts on teens that could be short term but there are also long term effects too, because most of them look up to their parents as role models. (decent statement of theme) Family clearly impacts teenagers, especially a divorce. Why this last sentence? This is a no duh comment=you knew it before you started. Maybe it works as a 1st sentence, but not a last one.In the book The House on Mango Street, written by Sandra Cisneros, the main character, Esperanza, was modify by many external forces, including family. Esperanza is a young teen who just moved to Mango Street, and she doesnt like her firm because its ugly, and she dreams of another hou se that her family has promised one day. I have inherited her name, but I dont want to inherit her place by the window (Cisneros 11). This was in wing to her great grandmother who didnt want to marry, but Esperanzas great grandfather kidnapped her and forced her to marry, where Esperanzas great grandmother never forgave him and looked out a window for the rest of her life. Esperanza didnt chose her name, her family did, and she didnt chose who her family is each. The external force of family is an issue in real life just as it is in this novel, and the teens learn to either love it or hate it. Whoa Wheres the divorce here? Why not use the mothers who are single parents? Isnt that closer to divorce?Adolescents head for the hills to find ways to let out their emotions and try to escape their problems, and this unfortunately leads them to make poor decisions that hurt them more than they know that it would be. Alcohol actually is a depressant because it slows down the function of th e central nervous system and it cause people to lose coordination and not be able to think straight. Again, whoa Wheres the divorce here? Why start with drinking? Suggestion if this is what some teens do when faced with divorce, then maybe this should go as your 2nd or tertiary comment, not your 1st.

The Impact of Divorce on a Teenager :: Impact of Divorce on Children

All over the world, parents decide to disjoint and this leaves children hurt and confused. The children may lose contact with one parent or they might decide to makes some bad decisions in their life due to the feeling of neglect. Some of the bad choices could be mental health disorders and struggling in academics. There are impacts on teens that could be short term but there are also long term effects too, because most of them intent up to their parents as role models. (decent statement of theme) Family clearly impacts teenagers, especially a divorce. Why this last sentence? This is a no duh comment=you knew it before you started. Maybe it workings as a 1st sentence, but not a last one.In the book The House on Mango Street, written by Sandra Cisneros, the chief(prenominal) character, Esperanza, was affected by many external forces, including family. Esperanza is a young teen who just moved to Mango Street, and she doesnt like her house because its ugly, and she dreams of some o ther house that her family has promised one day. I have inherited her name, but I dont want to inherit her place by the window (Cisneros 11). This was in reference to her great grandmother who didnt want to marry, but Esperanzas great grandfather kidnapped her and forced her to marry, where Esperanzas great grandmother never forgave him and looked go forth a window for the rest of her life. Esperanza didnt chose her name, her family did, and she didnt chose who her family is either. The external force of family is an issue in real life just as it is in this novel, and the teens call for to either love it or hate it. Whoa Wheres the divorce here? Why not use the mothers who are single parents? Isnt that closer to divorce?Adolescents tend to find ways to let out their emotions and try to escape their problems, and this unfortunately leads them to make poor decisions that hurt them more than they know that it would be. Alcohol rattling is a depressant because it slows down the funct ion of the central nervous system and it cause people to lose coordination and not be able to think straight. Again, whoa Wheres the divorce here? Why start with drinking? Suggestion if this is what some teens do when faced with divorce, then maybe this should go as your 2nd or 3rd comment, not your 1st.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Justification for Torture

Torture is a scenario that dates back to the old government ages. Is government agony ever justify? This answer is can be answered by this quote,Torturing the terrorist is unconstitutional? Probably. But millions of lives surely outweigh constitutionality (Levin 1). Who would non save the lives of fellow citizens If the only picking to solve the issue was torturing an case-by-case for his crimes? Many people would see the situation as a sacrifice for the better of the people. The lives of Americans should be the most important priority of a nation.Torture is justified as long it is for the safety of the people and non for the mere ca single-valued function of violence. Torture is the considered to be a harmful mentally and sensiblely to any unitary. It is a precise well known method in the time of war. in that respect oblige been many cases where it used on children and women. The course of aberration can range from physical abuse to sexual abuse. Those are without a doubt an international crime. Using torture on innocent human being is completely out of the question. The use of torture in terms of water boarding on terrorist can be a nonher subject.Torture without a doubt is a cruel interposition for an individual but it must be a nation policy (Falbaum 15). Saving innocent lives should be a governments priority in a check mark time bomb scenario. The scenario states, lets say an officer, got control of a terrorist planning an attack on hundreds of people. It is highly likely this terrorist will be interrogated by other officials to carry information close to(predicate) the attack. Torture should be an option if the individual refuses to give the data to save hundreds of lives.Falbaum also mentions that 9/11 attack could been prevented if the United States had torture as part of their system. If the US policy was more strict at those times the terrorist would have feared their policy or would have captured their leader and gained details inti mately the whereabouts of the attack. A poll shows that majority of registered citizens prefer harsh techniques that can keep America safe (Bauer 27). The society should support inhumane behaviors like torture if it is seen as last hope for innocent lives.Successful interrogations can keep America safe for the future. The world revolves around information and if your country is lacking information, terrorists can satisfy advantage of the situation. Using torture on terrorists to gain information will benefit in prevention of future attacks on the country. Marc A. Thiessen goes into detail how many terrorists that have been interrogated provided them with reliable information that ended up saving thousands of American lives. Thiessen believes that terrorist suspects will talk if pressured in the right way (Thiessen 36).Some people may bespeak that torture does not provide the right detail because the victim will say anything to stop the deadly act. A statement said by the terrorist Abu Zubayah explains that jailed terrorist tends to resist as long as they can, if they fail to do this they are given permission by their religious belief to tell what they have known. The assembly line of the interrogator is to safely help the terrorist do his duty to Allah, so he then feels liberated to speak freely (Thiessen 40). It leads to show if the US practice and enkindle their torture techniques it will lead to a safer nation.What techniques can be considered torture? Water-boarding is the act where the victim is drained water on his head to stimulate the pain in the neck of drowning. Water-boarding to Joseph Farah is not considered torture. He states that the technique is relatively safe with the right management. Not only that he argues that United State also practice this technique on their own soldiers as training (Farah 82). According to him while water-boarding is very abhorrent it is not as bad as cutting of a hand or anything gore.The truth is Water-boarding is very effective and most of the time the case are given in less than a minute. The success stories range from learning about al-Qaidas top plans. It is said that the terrorist agents resisted normal interrogations for hours and hours but gave into water-boarding sooner than the word can be said. This scenario can happen anywhere in the nation. Lets say an al-Qaida part was captured by the CIA and found whereabouts of bombs being placed around a city. They hire the top of the line negotiators to spoil the information.The real question still remains. Will they be able to make the terrorist member talk before its too late? Then again we could resort to the use of water-boarding and save their lives before it is too late. It is not like we have torn their limbs off to order to get the information. But a few seconds of dripping water on a prisoners face? Thats not torture to me (Feah 85). Some believe that torture disregard true American standards. Patrick J. Buchanan gives a great i nsight about this issue. He states that torture is viable as long as it fit to save the American people.It is just like how murder is seen unethical yet you see soldiers and cops given the permission to kill as long as it fits the right scenario (Buchanan 55). Would a war hero that killed twenty men in order to rescue 2,000 citizens receive a death clock time? Just because he murdered 20 men, no. He would be honored as a hero he so deserved to be. There are doctors that inflicts pain to many soldiers in the war field by cutting of parts of their body. This saves their life by preventing death by decay. These are one of the exceptions that torture should be given into.Take for example someones son or daughter was captivated by a terrorist group. One of their remember was found, he would not spoil or hint any information by simple conversations. What will a parent would want from the government to do? It does not matter if they oppose torture or not, a parent would choose water-board ing compared to the death of their child. Torture is not to be taken lightly but should be considered an option if the situation arise. Torture should the last option if it ever to be used. It a very sensitive topic for many people.There are groups that strongly rejects torture in any situation and there are people that support torture if it leads to saving lives. Ultimately saving lives should be the priority of any government. If it result in agreeing to an harsh techniques like water-boarding to stop future 9/11 attacks, the majority will agree. It is very hard to come to a conclusion about this specific topic because both sides can provide very good viewpoints. It will be one of those controversial topic that will go on for decades.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Adopting Children by Same Sex Parent Essay

People in society say that everyone is equal, they necessitate equal pay off and freedom. However in case of adopting children, quite a little believe that said(prenominal) sex pargonnts argon abnormal to adopting children. Some good deal in society against them to adopting but thither are many same sex couples who are seeking to adopt children. The researcher of transgenderity found that many people still do non reveal their sexual orientation to others.Also, same sex couples are non acceptable from some people in society, jibe to www. gay-adoption. s. On the contrast, some people believe that same sex adoption is normal and it should be acceptable, according to the regenerate human campaign, a national gay and lesbian advocacy group. Although on that point are many people against same sex couple to adopting children, same sex couples should be allowed to adopt children because they dumbfound equal rights and they arsehole be superb parents for a child who lacks cope and foundation. Moreover, children in the join State of America and many countries around the world are waiting for adoption.There are closely 520,000 children in welfare, according to the North American Council on Adoptable Children in St. Paul. In addition at that place have 120,000 are available for adoption, but unaccompanied 50,000 find permanent homes each year. However, although same sex couples want to adopt children, they are against by heterosexual parents for several reasons including it is unnatural to allowed same sex to be a parent, same sex parents cannot hold in stability to children and most people believed that only heterosexual parents can be good parents. Firstly, it is unnatural to allow homosexual couples to be a parent.They cannot be good parents. Also, it is not safe for children to live with same sex parents. The best environment for well-being of children is a rest home with a mother and father because children should have a role model. Adopting by s ame sex parents can effects to children. For instance, children who is raised in a homosexual household are significantly more likely to be homosexual themselves because they have only one role model in one gender, and get touch on in homosexual behavior than children raised in heterosexual households, according to a research in the US (University of Illinois Law Review, 1997).In a consume published in the January 1996 issue of Developmental Psychology, London researchers Susan Golombok and Fiona Tasker found that it danger for children that live with same sex parents. However, the sexual orientation of parents has no influence on the sexual orientation of their children and that children of lesbian and same sex parents are not more likely than any other children to turn over up to be homosexual, according to Children of gay fathers, Gay and Lesbian Parents (p. 9-57) In addition, children can manage their life to be what they want to be by themselves, however they are raised by h omosexual parents but it is not determine that they may have the same behavior as their same sex parents. Moreover, same sex parents can give a responsibility and love to children as well as a heterosexual because they are a human who can teach and give love to a child. As such, it would be wrong to deny same sex parents to adopt children.Also, good parenting is not controlled by sexual orientation, same sex parents can support children and give love to them that show they can be a good parent same as a heterosexual. Secondly, the reason why people believe same sex parents should not be allowed to adopt is stability, so it is important in raising an emotionally and mentally healthy child. The way to children grow up happily may need a role model, so children need a role model of both genders that are male and young-bearing(prenominal) in order to develop a properly. If children raise in homosexual household, it influence to children will lacks information of other gender.Childrens primary role models are his or her parents that cause bringing a heterosexual up in a homosexual household can gives children a misrepresented view of sexuality. lesbian couples simply cannot give the stability that heterosexual parents can give to children. Although most people believe that bringing a heterosexual child up by same sex parents give them a distorted view of sexuality, some babies are born with a predisposition to homosexuality and their upbringing will not affect their sexuality. Almost of homosexuals couples do not want to force children to be homosexual like them.According to Major associations of mental health professionals in the United stated of America, same sex parents are not an unfit and capable as heterosexual parents that they lead children are as happily, healthy and well alter as a child who is raised by heterosexual parents. In addition, a studies shows that children raised by single heterosexual parents have more difficulties than children who have same sex parents. Moreover the study shows that children did better in moderation, self-esteem, and had less psychosocial difficulties at home and at school, according to the study of Same-Sex Parents Raise Well-Adjusted Kids.The conk reason is widely agreed that only heterosexual parents can be a good parent and they are appropriate to give love, warm, and home to children. Children should have opportunities to thrive in heterosexual parents with a mother and father based family. Heterosexual parents are the best because a child should be raised in loving, well-disciplined homes where children have good role models from their heterosexual parents, in addition avoiding children grow up to be a homosexual, according to study of gender identity disorder and psychosexual problems in children and adolescents.In addition, avoiding from criminal because homosexuals are more likely to molest children, such as rape them. It is danger to childrens life and causes many troubles to society. However, there are virtually 500,000 children in welfare nationally in the United state and about 100,000 children need to be adopted. So it is shows thousands of children lacks a permanent home and lacks love from parents, according to the statistics of the study of critical shortage of adoptive and foster parents in the United States.If they are only allowed heterosexual parents in adoption, the child who lives in foster care will lacks family and as in Florida more than 2,000 children in welfare are waiting for adoption according to the state of Floridas statistics. In addition, there are not enough heterosexual parents who are interested in adoption and foster care. There are some arguments of adopting children by same sex parents because most people feel that only traditional homes with a father and a mother are appropriate and have equal right as heterosexual parents to adopt children, according to issue about facts on gay adoption.However, society is change that leads everyo ne has equal rights. Therefore same sex parents are human being who should be allowed to adopt children. All people should have equal rights because the child in same sex family appear to be normal, and also same sex parents are not appear to harm child, according to Homosexuality and Family Relations. If homosexual parents can support their children, same sex couples can be as good parents as heterosexual parents. As such, same sex parents are the same as other people who can support children, such as, they give love to children, pay taxes, go to work.It shows that being homosexual is not a mental disorder. In addition, nowadays there are thousands children have no permanent homes, and they are waiting for adoption. It is shows that same sex parents are one of those who help children to have love and home. Therefore, people should not determine only about sexuality of those who want to adopt children. As Mary Bonauto of Boston-based same sex couples Avocates and defenders said that , Sexual orientation is not the issue, ability of parent is issue.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Progressive Movement

Progressivism implies a philosophical system that welcomes innovations and reforms in the semipolitical, economic, and well-disposed order. The Progressive movement, 1901 to 1917, was ultimately the triumph of conservatism rather than a supremacy for liberalism. In a general reek, the conservative goals of this cessation justified the Liberal reforms en pieceed by Progressive leaders. Deviating from the traditional definition of conservatism (a resistance to change and a dis coiffe of hostility to innovations in the political, social, and economic order), the Progressivism MovementProgressivism implies a philosophy which welcomes innovations and reforms in the political, economic, and social order. The Progressive movement, 1901 to 1917, was ultimately the triumph of conservatism Conservatist triumph was in the sense that there was an effort to maintain basic social and economic relations vital to a capitalist society. The Progressive leaders essentially wanted to carry on Li beral reform in order to bring upon general conservatism. Expansion of the federal government s powers, competition and economic distribution of wealth, and the social eudaemonia of American citizens concerned the m some(prenominal) leaders of this era.The business influence on politics was quite significant of the Progressive succession. Not Progressivism Movement Progressivism implies a philosophy which welcomes innovations and reforms in the political, economic, and social order. The Progressive movement, 1901 to 1917, was ultimately the triumph of conservatism rather only did the three leading Progressive political figures, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, bring upon new high gear to government regulation, but also the great business leaders of this era defined the units of political discourse.With political capitalism rising to fame, Progressive politics experienced new themes and areas. The inevitability of federal regulation policies, reformation of social welfare, conservati on, and various innovations with banking led to one conservative effort the preservation of existing powers and economic/social relations. The political leaders of Progressivism ProgressivismThe period of time between the Spanish-American War and World War I is known as the Progressive Era. It was a period tag by idealism, reform, his ear were conservative in that they all believed in the fundamentals of basic capitalism. The various forms of anti-trust legislation presented by each president made the res publica one step closer to providing a stable, predictable, and secure, therefore, conservative capitalist society. Theodore Roosevelt s statist tendencies brought new meaning to government regulation. Roosevelt s Anti-Trust policy of 1902 pledged government intervention to break up hot monopolies and regulate corporations for the public good. Roosevelt felt that bad Progressivism U. S.History Progressivism trusts threatened competition and markets. in order to restore free co mpetition, President Roosevelt tell the Justice department to prosecute corporations pursing monopolistic practices. However, the Judicial Branch repudiated its duty (right of reason) and now, even if the impact of the market was not harmful, actions that restrained or monopolized trade would automatically put a firm in violation of the Sherman law. In 1902, the United Mine Workers were willing to submit to arbitration, but the coal operators adamantly opposed Progressivism 2Progressivism The period of time between the Spanish-American War and World War I is known as the Progressive Era. It was a period marked by idealism, reform, and significant any recognition of the union. Thus, the union members decided to strike over wages, safety conditions, and union recognition. The Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902 ended with the appointment by Roosevelt of an arbitration kick to rule on the issues. Business men did not regard politics (government regulation) as a necessary evil, but as an fundamental part of their position in society.Roosevelt did not see big business as evil, but a permanent development that was necessary in a modern giving up And Decline For Progressivism Desertion and Decline for Progressivism The decade of the 1920s discouraged the progressive movement. It was a period that had an extraordinary reaction against idealism and reform. The economy. Roosevelt couldn t rely on the courts to distinguish between good or bad trusts. The only solution was for the executive to assume that responsibility. Roosevelt s ingenious square dealings and gentlemen s agreements controlled numerous firms.In 1903, a new cabinet position was created to address the concerns of business and labor (Department of Commerce and Labor). Within the department, the Bureau of Corporations was charge to investigate and report The Progressive Era 2 THE PROGRESSIVE ERA ROOSEVELT AND WILSON The progressive Era began in 1900. It came to a halt in 1917 due to Americas entrance in to World War 1. During this time, on illegal activities of corporations. The abuse of economic power by railroads proposed another problem for Roosevelt.However, in 1903, the Elkins Act empowered the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission, first American federal regulatory agency) to act against discriminatory rebates. Also, in 1906, the Hepburn Act increased the ICC membership from five to seven. The ICC could set its own fair freight rates, had its regulatory pwer extended over pipelines, bridges, and express companies, and was empowered to require a Progressivism contend Viewpoints Progressivism Opposing Viewpoints At the commencement of the twentieth century, a period referred to as progressivism swept through America.Precisely, this era in American history began soon after uniform system of accounting by regulated transportation companies. Besides economic relations, Roosevelt involved himself in many important conservative social relations. The Secretary of treasury created an inspection organization to certify that cattle for export were free of disease. With disappointing results, Germany and other European countries banned the moment of American meant. Federal regulation helped improve exports to Europe, free competition, another conservative effort.In 1906, the Meat Inspection Act provided for federal and sanitary regulations and inspections in Progressivism Opposing Viewpoints Progressivism Opposing Viewpoints At the commencement of the twentieth century, a period referred to as progressivism swept through America. Precisely, this era in American history began soon after the Spanish-American meant fisticuffs facilities. Also, the Pure Food and Drug Act prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of adulterated labeled foods and drugs in accordance with consumer demands. Roosevelt assed many conservation laws from 1902 to 1908 to create federal irrigation projects, subject parks and forests, develop water power, and establish the Nation Conservation Commission to oversee the nation s resources. Taft, hand picked by Theodore Roosevelt, had two primary political goals in 1909. One was the continuation of Roosevelt Progressive Movement Of 1918 1918 The Progressive Movement Progressive Education assumes the world changes, and that in a universe that is not curiously concerned with ability to think straight Rychard Fink trust-busting, and the other was the reconciliation of the old guard conservatives and young progressive reformers in the republican Party. Taft, being an anti-statist, was a poor progressive politician. Instead of the positive outlook toward big business and competition resembling Roosevelt, Taft was an advocate of minimum governmental regulation. However, in perusing anti-monopoly law enforcement, Taft and his attorney General George Wichersham brought44 indictments in anti-trust suites. Taft was successful in healing the Republican start between conservatives and progressives Theodore Roosevelt a nd ProgressivismDespite the criticism of their reform efforts, Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilsons commitment to and success in achieving issue reform made them successful progressive presidents. There hasnt yet been over such issues as tariff reform, conservation, and the almost dictatorial pwer held by Republican Speaker of the House, Joseph Cannon. Taft s inability to bring both wings of the party together led to the hardened division which would bring about a representative victory in the 1912 elections.In 1910, Republican progressives joined with Democrats to strip Speaker Cannon of his pwer to appoint the Committee on Rules and serve on it himself. Although critical of Cannon, Taft failed Progressism Vs. Populism Americans were not assured of the division among populists and progressivists during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, yet they were aware of the division between Democrats and Republicans. to align himself with the progressives. Also, another event pushing the greater split in the Republican

Friday, May 24, 2019

How structural and linguistic devices are used to target specific audiences in printed media texts Essay

Different auditory modalitys expect and react to different ideas, presentational devices, linguistic devices and so on. For example teenagers may expect bright, vibrant colours and exciting design, whereas quondam(a) people may look for softer, neutral colours and a more formal design. Of course, these are uninspired views but the designers of the media texts must make them with a stereotypical view of their audience in mind. In this essay I will look at troika different media texts aimed at different groups and explain how they attempt to appeal to these audiences.Firstly I will compare the ideas put forward in the three texts. In the cabaret 18-30 leaflet the focus is mainly on going out and having athletics, in clubs, pubs and on beaches. The Superfamily piece talks about the activities that a family can inscribe in, such as pool games, quizzes, tennis courts, squash courts and fantasy golf. It also tells the audience about the things done to make a family spend easier, such as baby care, childrens clubs and so on. The Forever Young brochure focuses on the older generation ands talks about the activities and facilities that they might enjoy, such as tennis, aerobic exercise and golf, cathedrals to visit and conveniences like laundry services, money exchange, spacious bar and sun terraces.Now I will look at the presentational and morphological devices in the three texts. In the Club 18-30 text bright, vibrant colours are used such as pink, blue, yellow and red. The title states the target audience straight away making it very obviously eye-catching to the right people. The pictures used are those of people dancing in a club and having fun as this is what most people going on this holiday want to do. This is not a full page advertisement as there is scarcely a very small amount of information wanted about the clubs, bars, beaches etc. This is all given in a fun, jaunty font with not too much reading needed.The Superfamily brochure is done in red, white and pale yellow. These are soft, welcoming, almost primary colours. This emphasises that this is a family advertisement. There are pictures a families by the pool as well as kids playing and having fun. All the borders are wavy and curved making this feel like a invulnerable place for children and the font is plain.The Forever Young brochure has soft, autumn colours as well as natural blues and greens. Also, the pictures are serene. This is because the average older person wants a calm relaxing holiday. There is a full page layout with plain, simple borders. There are pictures of a cathedral and an empty pool. This helps leave to the feeling of calm and relaxing on the holiday.I will next look at the language used in each of the pieces. In the Club 18-30 piece the language used is cool and slang with misspelled words such as in yer face. This is to target the younger audience. It is humorous yet with or so facts, such as bars, clubs and beaches to visit. There are some opin ions such as home to some of Europes premier DJs. It states what the younger audience may worry about when it says that youll need a fair bit of wedge. It also states that there are many things to do on your doorstep suggesting smashing ease, an important factor to youth.The Superfamily brochure uses informal yet informative language, like for the sporty among you. It is persuasive and serious, giving the reader a lot of reasons why the holiday is right for them. However in doing this it keeps a very friendly and approachable attitude as it wants to appeal to families. It states the many things that they will do to make family manner easier, such as baby care and childrens clubs.Forever Young uses formal language as this is what appeals to a lot of the older generation. It is serious and informative, stating seemingly what things there are to do and makes them seem calm for example it has a traditional, relaxed feel about it. This is important as most older people want a relaxing holiday. It is persuasive as it uses opinions about things like prettiest and traditional.Overall I believe it is very important for advertisers to use all meaning at their disposal to attract the target audience. They must choose the right presentational devices, the right language and the right style in order to lead the target audience to buy their product.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A treatise On Ulcers

Peptic ulcers ( stomachic and duodenal) are defects in the gastrointestinal mucosa that extend through the muscularis mucosa. ulceration results when the balance between the aggressive forces (Helicobacter pylori, acid, pepsin, bile, drugs) and the mucosa defense (microcirculation, Prostaglandins, apical cell restitution, hydrophobicity, HCO3, genetic) is disrupted. In the USA, the lifetime prevalence is 10% and for men it is 12% and 9% for women.The iodine point prevalence for new PUD is 2% and duodenal ulcer occurs five times more than gastric ulcer. To differentiate gastric from duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer is uncommon before 40 years, the pain is often increased by eating food and relieved by fasting. The acid secretion is normal, thither is possibility of weight loss and hematemesis i.e. blood in the vomitus may occur.In the case of duodenal ulcer, most occur between 25 and 75 years of age and pain is usually temporarily relieved by food intake and antacids, the pain is often nocturnal and on that point is acid hyper secretion, on that point is no associated weight loss and blood may be present in the stool.Other factors implicated as theory of the aetiologic of ulcer include smoking, Calcium, Alcohol, Caffeine, bolshy pepper. The genetic theory implicates familial cluster ring. Other possible etiologies are Blood group O, AB (H) antigen, pepsinogen, HLA B5, Rheumatoid arthritis,COPD, Liver cirrhosis, CRF, renal transplantation, Herpes simplex, CMV, Hyperparathyroidism, Mastocytosis.Sex hormones and mental factors may also play some minor role.Clinical presentation of PUD may be 1) asymptomatic or 2) Symptoms may vary. A high baron of suspicion is therefore needed .It is more likely if there is Pain, Anemia, heavy smoking, Use of NSAIDs (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.The cardinal symptoms are nocturnal pain, as puff up as epigastric pain relieved by food and vomiting. And the signs include -The pointing sign in 70% -commonest, epigastric tenderness or discomfort only. Signs of vent obstruction can also be elicited and also signs of other complications.Treatment includes the use of Proton pump inhibitors include lansoprazole and omeprazole. They are remarkably safe drugs which shake off so far been used only to treat ulcers and other conditions where there is excess gastric acidityIn conclusion, one should therefore visit his or her doctor ones there is abdominal pain and the person has recurrent and refractory symptoms, the patient is more than 40 years old or has a family history of ulcer or the risk factors mentioned above are present in alarming proportions.ReferencesElsevier (2009, April 24). Commonly Used Ulcer Drugs may Offer Treatment Potential In Alzheimers Disease. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 1, 2009, from http// /releases/2009/04/090422103556.htUppsala University (2008, May 9). Nitrates In Vegetables Protect Against Gastric Ulcers, Study Shows. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 1, 2009, fr om http// /releases/2008/05/

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Maximizing the Unearned Dollar

Workin 9 to 5, what a way to involve a living barely gettin by, its all talkin and no givin (Parton, p.1) bird Parton had the right idea when she wrote this song. We retain to work to be able to pay for necessities such as housing, clothing, and food. In addition to necessity, having enough money left over at the end of the month to go watch a show or eat at a nice restaurant is an added bonus. Most of us put our nose to the hollow stone only to live by the old pay check to pay check creed. Payday arrives and its smiles all around. Money makes us happy, but more money makes us ecstatic.There are the lucky few who win the Publishers Clearinghouse sweepstakes or the lottery, but the rest of us have to stretch our dollars as far as they will go. If you arent rich, stretching the dollar is a way of life. However, not everyone wants to live that way. For them, there are several alternatives. They can chalk up up their wealthy relatives, further their education, chose to work a not- so-glamorous job, or they can turn to abomination.Unfortunately, not everyone has wealthy relatives, not everyone has their mind set to get their master degree, and not everyone has the body to swing on a pole for hundreds of dollars a night. Whats left? Thats rightcrime. Somewhere out there bulk have figured out that you striket have to work that hard to maximise your bucks. True-be-it that not all of us will turn to crime to make more money, from big corporations to mom and pop shops, maximizing utility is what its all about.In the movie Friday, the character Big wriggle sells the drugs he produces to make money (Gray, 1995). His operation is based on delegating sales to others, such as Smokey, adrug addict himself. In addition to owning a unmixed vehicle, which is decked out in carriage, Big Worm also owns a snack vending truck, which he uses to check out the progress of his sales heapincognito.Big Worms character is dressed in name brand clothing, wears gold necklaces, r ings and diamond earrings, and appears to have his hair professionally styled. His character seems to be so powerful that when Smokey fails to give him his due profits from sales, Big Worm has access to guys that are willing to put a scare in Smokey by capricious through the neighborhood shooting guns. Surethis is just a movie, but what Big Worms character does is no different than what big corporations dohe is utilizing his resources to maximize his utility. The only difference is that Big Worm is an undiscovered criminal, and big corporations are operating legally.Without the assistance of a writing staff, some real-life criminals dont have the same results with their efforts. Hollywood gave Big Worm nice clothes, a nice car and nice hair, so it appeared that as a criminal, he had his business in a position good enough to create a profit. Unfortunately for real-life criminals, however, the way they handle their profit-maximizing decisions can prove that not all criminals are util ity maximizers.Striving to achieve happiness can lead to extreme measures. Being financially set, though sometimes an unattainable objective, can lenify numerous stresses in ones life, which can lead to happiness. For some, this goal is so important that they are willing to do not-so-legal things to get there. Occupational crimes, or crimes attached by altering records, overcharging customers or cheating a client (Wikipedia, p.1) is an example of an move to maximize utility. But the key word here is blast. An attempt can be unsuccessful, which translates to the aforementioned criminal type not being a utility maximizer after all.Take a brink teller, for example. While the money people deposit daily into their bank accounts in no way belongs to the bank teller, the teller has access to an available source. Over time, the teller discovers that by accompanying his or her deposit slip with the daily customer deposits, they are able to obtain hundreds, or maybe thousands of extra dol lars in their own bank account.After much research, the bank discovers that the teller is responsible for the discrepancies in so many peoples bank accounts. Upon the tellers arrest, it is demanded that all monies embezzled be returned. To the banks horror, the teller is unable to make restitution because the money was poorly spent on material items such as clothing and electronics. In this instance, the crime was committed without the intention of creating financial security. This particular criminal was not interested in being a utility maximizer.Back to the flip side of criminal utility maximization, indemnification fraud is a good example to work with. In July of 2004, the owner of a grocery store in Everett, Washington lost everything to a approach that was being investigated as a case of arson, more specifically, a hate crime (SPI Staff Writer, p.1). It was later discovered that the owner of the store was the culprit, spray picture hate messages throughout the buildings ext erior, then dousing it with gasoline before setting it on fire. This was far from a hate crime, the investigative team determined. The reason for setting his store ablaze was to obtain the insurance he had on the store in order to alleviate some financial stresses he was experiencing. The investigation team determined that this was a case of arson for profit.On the legal side of multiplying your dollars, businesses, such as Enterprise Rent-A-Car, operate quite similarly to the style of our undiscovered criminal mentioned earlier within the text. Dubbed by Business Week Magazine as one of the best places to work (ERAC, p.1),Enterprise Rent-A-Car is a prize example of how utilizing your resources will maximize your profits. The structure consists of the sales team, the managers, the regional managers and the executives. In combination with pushing upgrades with their rentals, the sales team also pushes damage waiver insurance. in effect(p) performance will earn bonus checks.The mana gers then direct the sales team in order to receive higher commissions. The regional managers push the managers for increase pay scales, and the chain continues. The key to this process is using what you have to make more of what you want. Incentives help this system. As noted, the ERAC team is compensated for increasing the companys profits. When you compare both criminal and legal operations side by side, the basics are the same.Though we have only compared corporations and criminals, we are all utility maximizers in one way or another. We have gambling, which comes in forms of scratch-offs, lotteries, bingo games, bets and casinos. Seeking to multiply their wealth, one might use their entire pay check to maximize his dollar. On the safer side of multiplying what youve got, we have people who invest.Conservative maximizers will place their money in low-interest savings accounts, while the more daring types will play the blood line market. Making the most of what you have is, for most of us, human nature. On our own accord, we may choose to leave things as they are, or we may chose to make an attempt at becoming self-made millionaires. Maximizing legally or illegally, how we get there matters. After all, you cant enjoy your maximized utilities from a jail cell.Works Cited1. Dolly Parton. 9 to 5. Greatest Hits. RCA Country, 1980. Friday. Dir. F. Gary Gray. Ice Cube, Chris Tucker. 1995. DVD. New Line Cinema. 1997.3. Enterprise Rent-A-Car. 2000/Rev. 2006. January 2007. Wikipedia. 2001/Rev. 2004. January 2007.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Character Compare and Contrast Essay

The 2 characters that are the main spotlight in this accounting are son of a bitch and Ralph. They are great leaders tho they have different ways of tether others. However they have different conclusions and that leads to arguments and in the end separation. even up in tout ensemble the hardships, the littleuns still caused Ralph and crap to add another worry roughly the beast into their list of worries eventide though Jack and Ralph are innocent and mature at the start, they will break mentally in the end without civilisation to back ending them sane.Jack and Ralph are great leaders but they have different ways of leading. Jacks way of leading is more into the dictator type but Ralph is more into the democracy type. Ralph likes to get ideas and fill for volunteers to do them while Jack likes to tell others what to do.Even though they all agreed to the cliffs and the outhouses and there always has to be water in the coconut shells, but they all forgot more or less it and do it everywhere. As time passes arguments happens and they fought for leadership.Even though Jack and Ralph work well together but different goals caused them to separate. Jacks goal is to hunt pigs and go wild in the forest ,but Ralphs goal is to get off the island and handicap alive. They are enthusiastic about the idea of building a signal tin to go back home, the hunters who are supposed to look after it were too focused on hunting the pig for provender and left it to go out at the most crucial point. While they are hunting and the fire went out, a ship came pass by and went past them like they didnt even exist.This accident caused Ralph and Jack into an argument that would eventually lead to separation.The littleuns like to play around but even though they they gullt have to do anything, they also have to make Jack and Ralph worry about the beast. Even though the littleums dont have to do anything, they still have to create problems by inflaming a spark of fear into o thers by the story of the beast. The day after the kid with the birthmark told them about thebeast, hes gone and no one has yet seen him and they just took him out of their memories and made him unthaw like he never existed. Even though the fear of the beasts gone, once a fear of it is lit it would stay there forever and hunt them even in their dreams. Once they all are mentally broken, Jack took action and rebelled, oerthrowing Ralphs leadership.Even though both Jack and Ralph has the kindred background and have a similar life style, they still argue with each other and fought over the conch, the symbol of leadership. Jack and Ralph are great leaders but they have different ways of leading and thinking. They also have 2 different priorities which Ralphs is staying alive and getting off the island back to their homes, but Jacks priority is to hunt and go wild. Even though they have to worry about whos in power constantly, the littleuns still have to light a spark of fear that ste p by step built up like pressure in a pressure tank and once it went over the limit, it blew. Even though they fought and argued they still did well staying alive even with out adults.Works CitedGolding, William. Lord of the flies. capital of the United Kingdom Faber and Faber Limited, 2012. Print

Monday, May 20, 2019

Malunggay can be used as water purifier Essay

Aside from its potential as biofuel feedstock, the seed of moringa, loc in ally known as malunggay, could also be used for negotiateing pissing, a Philippine scientist state yesterday. Dr. Isidro Sia, a professor of the Depart manpowert of pharmacology and Toxicology of the University of the Philippines-Manila, said moringa seeds defend been found to be one of the most effective urine purifiers, based on international studies. He said the technology is being used in Kenya, Indonesia and Uganda. In the Philippines, he said UP has an ongoing project to study the body of water-purifying property of the local variety. According to research, moringa seeds treat water on two levels, acting both as a coagulant and an germicide agent. It is generally accepted that moringa kit and boodle as a coagulant due to positively charged, water-soluble proteins which bind with negatively charged particles (silt, clay, bacteria, toxins, etc.) allowing the resulting flocs to cool it to the b ottom or be outside by filtration.The antimicrobial aspects of moringa continue to be researched, it said. Solutions of moringa seeds for water interference may be prep atomic number 18d from seed kernels or from the solid residue left over subsequently rock oil beginning. Reports said moringa seeds, seed kernels or dried presscake can be stored for long periods but moringa solutions for treating water should be on the watch fresh each time. In general, one seed kernel will treat one fifty of water. The process of treating the water with moringa seeds would take at least one to two hours. This uninfected water can consequently be filtered or sterilized to make it completely safe for alcoholism, a report said. Moringa is also being promoted as animal feedstock.According to research, moringa has seven quantify the vitamin C in oranges, four times the calcium in milk, four times the vitamin A in carrots, three times the potassium in bananas, and two times the protein in mil k. In summation to nutritional qualities, it has medicinal uses, outside(a) and internal. Its oil can also be used for cooking and for cosmetics and lubricants.Medical experts and herbalists at psychometric test to the long crease of health benefits of Malunggay (scientific name Moringa oleifera). And the most recent finding by researchers at the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) shows that embarrassed Malunggay seeds are potent in purifying dirty water. The research has scientifically proven the practice of Filipinos and Egyptians in using crushed malunggay to purify water. The PSU researchers claimed in a paper that the protein in the Malunggay seed kills bacteria by gathering them into clusters that sink into the bottom of a container. The protein fuses the membranes that protect the bacteria, thus destroying them in one fell swoop. The proteins are reportedly potent in their cleaning ability when harvested as mature seeds during the rainy season.Writing for democratic Scie nce on June 11, 2015, Mary Beth Griggs said the role of Malunggay seeds as water purifier would be a benediction to hundreds of millions of people with little access to potable water. With Malunggay seeds as alternative, those living in remote communities need not secure nanotech filters and light-based water purifiers. Indian researchers also discovered that Malunggay improves the motility of spermatozoa, making it a favorite among men who want to sire many children.Several years ago, the Department of Agriculture (DA) launched a campaign to circularise the propagation of Malunggay through the Biotechnology Program Office (BPO) then under Dr. Alice Ilaga and consultant Dr. Satunina Halos. It was even suggested that oil from Malunggay seeds could be extracted and used for various pharmaceutical purposes. Malunggay leaves are a good source of calcium, iron, ascorbic acid and phosphorous. Filipino boxing icon and Sarangani Rep. Manny Pacquiao credits soups with Malunggay leaves for b oosting his energy during training.Moringa water supply purificationIn many parts of the military personnel river water which can be highly turbid is used for drinking purposes. This turbidity is conventionally removed by treating the water with expensive chemicals, many of which are imported at great expense. Natural coagulants have been used for centuries in traditional water treatment practices throughout certain areas of the developing world.Crushed Moringa seeds explicate and purify water to suit domestic use and lower the bacterial concentration in the water making it safe for drinking. Byusing Moringa seeds people will no longer be depending on expensive means originating from the West. Using Moringa to purify water replaces chemicals such as aluminium sulphate, which are flagitious to people and the environment, and are expensive.Moringa seed powder can be used as a debauched and simple method for cleaning dirty river water. Studies showed that this simple method of f iltering not only diminishes water pollution, but also harmful bacteria. The moringa powder joins with the solids in the water and sinks to the bottom. This treatment also removes 90-99% of bacteria contained in water. Water from varying sources will need different dos of Moringa seeds powder because of the impurities present will not be the same. Experiments with a jar will help in working out the correct amount needed. MoringaIn addition to food, shelter and materialing, water is one of our basic human needs and lack of potable water is a major cause of death and disease in our world.Moringa oleifera seed contains 40 per cent by heaviness of oil, with the remaining presscake containing the active ingredients for rude(a) coagulation. The high market value for the oil make the case for promoting the farming of the seed a strong one. The growth of Moringa oleifera trees by smallholder farmers should be actively promoted as a means of providing vegetables and raw material for oil extraction in addition to a simple, but effective natural coagulant for turbid river water.Using natural materials to clarify water is a technique that has been practiced for centuries and of all the materials that have been used, seeds of the Moringa have been found to be one of the most effective. Studies have been conducted since the early 1970s to test the effectiveness of Moringaseeds for treating water. These studies have confirmed that the seeds are highly effective in removing suspended particles from water with long suit to high levels of turbidity (Moringa seeds are less effective at treating water with low levels of turbidity).Moringa Water Purification TheoryMoringa oleifera seeds treat water on two levels, acting both as a coagulant and an antimicrobial agent. It is generally accepted that Moringa works as a coagulant due to positively charged, water-soluble proteins, which bind with negatively charged particles (silt, clay, bacteria, toxins, etc) allowing the resulti ng flocs to settle to the bottom or be removed by filtration. The antimicrobial aspects of Moringa continue to be researched. Findings support recombinant proteins both removing microorganisms by coagulation as well as acting directly as growth inhibitors of the microorganisms. While there is ongoing research being conducted on the constitution and characteristics of these components, it is accepted that treatments with Moringa solutions will remove 90-99.9% of the impurities in water.Water Treatment with Moringa SeedsSolutions of Moringa seeds for water treatment may be prepared from seed kernels or from the solid residue left over after oil extraction (presscake). Moringa seeds, seed kernels or dried presscake can be stored for long periods but Moringa solutions for treating water should be prepared fresh each time. In general, 1 seed kernel will treat 1 liter (1.056 qt) of water.Dosage RatesLow turbidity NTU250 2 seeds per 1 liter (1.056 qt) waterINSTRUCTIONS TO passably WATER WITH MORINGA SEEDS1 Collect mature Moringa oleifera seed pods and remove seeds from pods. 2 Shell seeds (remove seed coat) to cause clean seed kernels discard discolored seeds. 3 Determine quantity of kernels needed based on amount andturbidity of water in general 1 seed kernel will treat 1 liter (1.056 qt) of water. 4 Crush appropriate number of seed kernels (using grinder, mortar & pestle, etc) to obtain a delicately powder and sift the powder through a screen or small mesh. 5 potpourri seed powder with a small amount of clean water to form a paste. 6 Mix the paste and 250 ml (1 cup) of clean water into a bottle and shake for 1 act to activate the coagulant properties and form a solution.7 Filter this solution through a muslin cloth or fine mesh screen (to remove insoluble materials) and into the water to be treated. 8 agitate treated water rapidly for at least 1 minute then slowly (15-20 rotations per minute) for 5-10 minutes. 9 Let the treated water sit without disturbing f or at least 1-2 hours. 10 When the particles and contaminates have colonized to the bottom, the clean water can be carefully poured off. 11 This clean water can then be filtered or sterilized to make it completely safe for drinking.DANGERSSecondary Infection The process of shiver and stirring must be followed closely to activate the coagulant properties if the flocculation process takes too long, there is a risk of secondary bacteria growth during flocculation. Recontamination The process of settling is important. The sediment at the bottom contains the impurities so care must be taken to use only the clear water off the cover song and not allow the sediment to re-contaminate the cleared water. Additional contaminants Moringa treatment does not remove 100% of water pathogens.Using Moringa oleifera as a replacement coagulant for proprietary coagulants meets the need for water and wastewater technology in developing countries which is simple to use, robust and cheap to both install and maintain. Water purified with oringa seeds, is acceptable for drinking only where people are currently drinking untreated, contaminated water.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

KFC Case Study Essay

IntroductionKFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is peerless of the just well-nigh(predicate) popular and widely spread fast forage kitchen stove spread across various countries. KFC has open up in solid diet marketplace as a specialist in fried jaundiced. Headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, US, KFC today is universe of discourses second largest fast solid diet chain after McDonalds with st rude(prenominal)man in some(prenominal) countries. As of December 2012, KFC had more than 18,000 outlets spread across 120 countries. Yum Brands is the p arnt caller which owns KFC along with separate subsidiaries much(prenominal) as Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurants chain (Liu, 2008). Founded by Harland Sanders in Corbin, Kentucky KFC clocked close to $11 billion in revenues by end of 2011. KFC can be credited for beingness a innovator in popularizing chicken in fast foot industry. As a comp each KFC has been termed as one of the well-nigh innovative company in cost of selling its mathematical crossroad among guests. Over a finale of time it has given a stiff competition to new(prenominal) fast sustenance chains equivalent McDonalds, Starbucks etc. through with(predicate) its comprehensive and in effect(p) merchandise dodging.LO1.1 Changing Perspectives in merchandise Planning innovation of return KFC founded in 1930, has incessantly believed in the modelion of product. Its primary product fried chicken has remained the most sought after fast victuals product since its origin. With time KFC added range of fast nutrient items ply to different taste buds and eating sensibilities. This approach reflected that how it has adapted itself in the changing and challenging surround by rival companies like McDonalds etc. Product development and adapting in the changing market perspective is decisive for a fast pabulum chain like KFC (Ghanawi, 2012). Concept of Selling KFC has kept its focussing on ensuring that consumers favour the product whi ch offers the best in terms of taste and quality. KFC has neer comprised with the quality of the product it has offered to client.Since inception ithas keep its trademark taste of the fried chicken which has resulted into a loyal base of customer following. KFC has never taken its popularity for granted and has perpetually believed in get feedback from customer through various channels, which in slip by has helped it march on to favorimize the quality and other factors associated with its fast food products. Concept of Marketing KFC has always been ravening in terms of market its product. Even though it has established itself as raceing player in fast food sector, despite of this fact it has never shied away from marketing efforts towards its product. This focus on marketing helps in creating provoker awareness and customer satisfaction. Concept of Societal Marketing Societal marketing is an evidential concept in marketing strategy of any company. KFC has always be lieved in r individuallying to its customer through various ways like customer surveys, feedbacks etc.This helps KFC in establishing a close bonding with its customer which eventually helps in increasing the sales. done its feedback and survey it has launched geographic specific products as well in order to cater localized taste and sensibilities. L.O. 1.2 KFCs dexterity for Planning its Future Marketing body process For KFC, capacity planning for its marketing activity is an extremely lively part of the business as automobilery through business relies heavily on the future forecast and trend. This capacity planning strategy is foc employ on determining current and future requirement of a typical fast food specific market. readiness for planning its future marketing activity has several important points which need to be understood, they are as follows Financial Capability KFC earned revenue of nearly $11 billion in 2012 underlines the fact that it has sufficient financial ca pabilities to compete with other fast food chains like McDonalds etc.This has also ensured that with a strong revenue model it has sufficient marketing budget allotment for maintaining its market positioning. Technological Capability KFC has always focussed on supporting its marketing activity through use of superior technologies. These technologies helped in optimizing its operation as well as marketing activities. Popular Products Like its other competitors, KFC has always maintained a wide range of popular fast food product. Its trademark chicken burger and other chicken fast food products has helped in maintaining a niche market in non-vegetarian fast food element. Having a popular line of products always helps a company in establishing brand connectivity with theend customer (Witkowski, Ma & Zheng, 2003). LO 1.3 Techniques Used by KFC for Organizational Auditing & for Analysing orthogonal factors that affect marketing planning Multinational companies like KFC are aware of the fact that effect marketing planning cannot be achieved without application of techniques for establishmental auditing and analyses of external factors.External factors for KFC comprises of Macro milieu and Micro environment. Macro environment consists of aspects much(prenominal) as social, cultural, legal, economic, political and technological. These aspects further take on other factors such as demographics, environmental limitations and broader societal factors. On other hand micro environment includes other constraints such as market structure, suppliers, customer, trend of the market, and competition. Organizational audit helps KFC to analyse and examine resources for sale and supplies suggestion related to strength and weakness of the company. Organizational considerations are controlled by KFC itself hence it is important that it should avert any sort of issues from this area. It is vital for a company like KFC to consider organizational auditing and development of the fig out analysis (Magrath, 1986). It is important especially to take advantage of its organizational strengths, reduce any limitation, and exploit market opportunities as they appear.External environment is critical since it gives direction to behaviour and overall marketing strategy of a multinational company like KFC. L.O. 1.4 Assume that you feel just been promoted to the position of marketing manager in a Fast food organization. Carry out organizational auditing and analysis of external factors that affect marketing planning in your organization. As a marketing manager it is important to visit the role and grandeur of organizational audit and analysis of external factors. This is critical because it leads to a direct impact on the triumph of the marketing strategy of KFC and its goal to maintain its niche position of fried chicken fast food specialist. Organizational audit focuses on entire business, it focuses on the business objective, goal, mission, vision and all stra tegies being employ in the business. SWOT analysis is one popular and effective tool for audit of such factors. chase are the result for the SWOT analysis done for KFCAudit focusing upon organizations marketing objective and strategy helps indetermining how well those strategies is suited to the current and forecasted market environment in fast food segment across various geographies. Organizational audit of marketing strategy is concerned specifically with a goal of evaluating organizations structural capability and its preparedness for performance of the strategy needed for further development of the business and fast food segment in general. Organizational audit helps in covert wide spectrum of functions like quality of organizational systems for analysis, control and planning. L.O.2.1 Assess the main barriers to marketing planning sideline barriers needs to be addressedLack of Vision KFC has to be cautious while implanting its marketing plan. In order to ensure an effective implementation it is important to let a comprehensive plan. However marketing plan should ensure that it covers every aspect which it can face due to changing market environment (Christian & Gereffi, 2010). Poor future vision can result into an insufficient marketing plan which can lead to failure. Less focus on Innovation Although fast food segment has been reign by products which have not changed over a long period of time. However with changing customer taste and preference, it is critical for KFC to focus on innovation of smart fast food items which can offer something new to customer. It has to introduce and customize its product based on various geographies it works in. leading issues KFC gets under a item-by-item brand known as YUM Brand, which operates other subsidiaries brands such as Pizza hut and Taco Bell.In order to ensure a smooth functioning of the business, it is important to segregate the leadership for a part focus on the individual brands. This bequeath h elp in brand specific focus and other management related activities. L.O.2.2 Examine how organizations may overcome barriers to market planning KFC being an international chain of fast food joints, it has huge pressure in terms of ensuring that its market planning is always in sync with its business objectives. In order to achieve that KFC needs to ensure that irrespective of the geography it is operational in, it should take care of certain barriers which might become a road block in an effective marketing planning.First important barrier is confusing marketing tactic with strategic tactic, often organization end up getting confused between thetwo. Hence KFC should ensure that it has clear demarcation of its operational tactic and its marketing tactic. Another aspect is overcoming organizational barriers, in way of effective market planning, organizational barriers like slow decision making process, unnecessary hierarchies etc. might create problem in effective market planning. A nother important barrier is failure to place the objectives to be achieved from the market plan. In order to achieve the maximum out of a market plan, it depart be important for KFC to prioritize its requirements or goals. For guinea pig its expectation from Asia geography might be different as compared to European continent, in such circumstances it needs to accordingly prioritize its market plan activities and passel the goal on those priorities.L.O.3.1. Marketing plan (notes for power point presentation) Situational AnalysisKFC is famous for its non-veg range fast food productsIncreasing trend towards vegetarian fast food productsDemand for economic and quick snack vegetarian fast food products in growing countries such as India Campaigns from PETA are another reason why people from double-u are also moving away from non-veg fast food items. Market Segmentation Total market of fast food market is around $15.2 billion (2011-12), important point to note that despite presence o f various kind of fast food products there is hardly any presence of veg fast food products this highlights that there his huge scope for veg fast food products which are cheap alone have superiors quality. competitor Major competition for KFC veg Snacker is from veg products such as Subways veg sub, McDonalds veg burger, McDonalds veg wind up etc. and other local player specializing in veg fast food products Consumer Analysis Population in growing economies seek cheap but tasty and good quality fast food item. In acres such as India, there is huge vegetarian population which also like fast foods such as veg snacker burger offered by KFC.Marketing Challenges Faced(S) StrengthSecond best global brand in fast food industryFamous and popular formula of original 11 herbs and spices expression Support of popular subsidiaries such as combination of KFC Pizza Hut and KFC TacoBell Leadership position among companies offering chicken as their primary product offering(W) Weakness inclu desNegative promotion from health conscious groupsRow over quality of chicken used as raw textileVulner sufficient to downfall in business due to issues like bird-flu Lack of strong marketing efforts as compared to companies like McDonalds(O) Opportunities includesIncreasing demand for healthier foodFocus on home delivery of the products scene of introducing new varieties in its chicken range of products(T) Threats includesTrend towards healthy food habitsCurrency fluctuationsVarious law of nature suits from groups supporting green and vegetarian foodMarketing StrategyProduct Veg Snacker in a country like India is fulfilling the requirement of cheap, quick and tasty fast food. Veg Snacker also has better nutritional note value as compared to other competitors such as McDonalds veg burger, and cottage cheese burger and wraps Place KFC should focus on markets dominated by veg population, its dispersion channel should be in place for procurement of raw corporeal for its veg produ cts. Pricing Unlike other KFC product, veg Snacker has been priced competitively to attract customer with low budget but are looking for quality veg fast food products. Promotion KFC should focus on this aspect that being a famous brand for non-veg fast food products it is now focusing on veg items as well. It should focus on ensuring that quality of veg fast food items is equally good.ConclusionThis marketing plan for veg products has to be apply carefully because of risk due to brand image. Marketing plan for veg products has to be isolated from overall marketing plan, since main focus of KFC has been on non-veg fast food items. Pricing and Packaging of the product is critical for overall success of the veg line of fast food items.L.O.3.3 Examine techniques for new product developmentKFC can opt for eight stages of a product development which involves following process Concept Generation of New Product SWOT analysis can be used effectively for assisting basic look towards new co ncept generation of a fast food product. Concept Screening KFC based on a new concept/idea can then screen and question the relevance of the concept. It is very important for KFC to understand that relevance of the product that should be implemented as per the market situation. Working on a concept which competitors have already launched might not be a logical business strategy. There should be clarity related to the sharpen market as well. What customer base KFC will be targeting should be clear from the concept stage itself (Starvish, 2011). Concept Development and Product Testing KFC should also focus on the proper testing of the new product for its market suitability and target customer segment.For example a spicy chicken burger might not be successful in market dominated by less spice loving population. Thus a product should be tested internally forward it is launched on a wider scale. Beta Testing and Marketing Testing KFC can understand a significant part of customer feedba ck through a selected launch of the product to a specific set of customers. With a proper feedback channel, valuable inputs regarding the product can be collected which can be further used to optimize the end product before it is launched. Technical Implementation Technical implementation phase will include activities like all the logistical attributes which will be necessary for a producing the fast food product. Thus how a raw material will be procured? What raw material will be used? Availability of the manpower for the production and several other facts should be taken care by KFC in this particular phase of the product development.Commercialization Commercialization is the critical phase, where post development of the product there has to be specific budget and time for product promotion and creating awareness about the product. optimisation of distribution channel and monetization of the product is also crucial part of this phase. Product Pricing For a company like KFC which has operation in developed as well as developing countries, price is a critical aspect of the whole business. In price sensitive markets like Asia, any rail at pricing strategy can result into product failure. L.O.3.4 Pricing policy, distribution and communication mix for Wrigleys masticate gum Wrigleys chewing gum is a classic example of how a company can createsuccess through a product which is not a necessity for consumers. through with(predicate) its aggressive strategy in pricing, distribution and communication it has ensured that it remains on top in chewing gum category.Rather than focus on creating a premium product, Wrigleys rivet on getting its basic correct through an economical pricing of the product which ensured that people adopted and started using the product. Through its intensive market research it strengthened its distribution channel and formed a strong affinity with retailers. With its innovative and aggressive marketing and communication strategy, it has e nsured that consumers do not forget about the brand. Sky TV Being one of the pioneers in direct- to-home concept, Sky TV always ensured a balanced approach in terms of pricing. It offered both segment of customers i.e. segment which was bothered about value delivery and segment which believed in cost of product. It bundled and offered them in various packs based on their popularity and subscription cost.Sky TV initially had been aggressive in its communication strategy to reach its customer, which paid off positively. With focus on acquiring new customer base, Sky TV has always been innovating in terms of its communication approach to actively engage with its customer base. BMW 7 Series Keeping in with tradition, BMW has maintained a premium pricing over each of its product. Main reason behind this is to maintain an exclusivity of the brand along with a healthy margin on the product sold. Thus it never comprises with its pricing strategy to boost its sales volume. BMW 7 Series has b een able to penetrate the upper class of the car buyers through its wide spread distribution channel, which not entirely sells the car, but also provides an effective after sales service to the vehicle.Communication mix for BMW has always been focused on the premium segment of society, for whom spending money is not an issue, but they are cautious about the premium attached to the product. Bentley Car Similar to brands like BMW, Audi etc., Bentley has ensured that it is known as super premium car making company. That is why despite of slump in its car sales it never tweaked with its pricing strategy. It has always focused on the premium and high net worth individual who are more focused on the brand and the premium attached to it. diffusion channel of Bentley is not as strong as its competitors, but it does have presence in majority of the prime cities across globe. Its communication mix and marketing has always targeted rich customers who havealways believed in owning the best o f every segment.Hilton Hotel Room Hilton has always believed in providing best of the user experience to its end customer, even if it comes with an extra cost. That is why Hilton boasts of a loyal set of customers who always prefer Hilton over other hotel. Hilton has given preference to exclusivity over the pricing factor, with added luxuries as compared to other competitors and a personal touch in its services Hilton has always been able to justify its above fair(a) pricing structure. With a wide presence across the globe, it has been able to establish a brand physical body through which its customer can connect easily. Holiday Cruise from London to Florida Cruise holidays have always been a popular product among tourists. Tours and travel companies have ensured that they capitalize on this craze.However with a holiday cruise as far as from London to Florida is concerned, it depends on the partner offering. Pricing strategy should be focused more on upper segment of the society, because they are the one who can afford a cruise travel. With various luxuries added, cruise holiday can justify its pricing strategy as well. Distribution has to be maintained through extensive network of tours and travel operators. With multiple holiday packages being promoted, a holiday cruise has to be promoted aggressively in order to ensure that it can be differentiate from other holiday packages. L.O.3.5 Explain how factors affecting the effective implementation of the marketing plan have been taken into account Various factors which affects the effective implementation of the marketing plan are as follows Information about Target Segment For KFC the target customer has always been the teen and post teen.Their advertising campaign has chiefly revolved around college going students and working professionals. However with time, and competition from rival fast food companies, they have focused on various age groups (Roller, Voorhees & Lulnkenheimer, 2006). Important aspect is that whatever fast food product has been launched, it has been done with proper knowledge of its target customer. For effective implementation of marketing plan prior research about the target customer base is extremely critical. Measurable Goals and Objectives Marketing team at KFC has to be clear about their end goals and organizational objectives. Clarity on these two aspects is important towards effective implementation of the marketing plan. In fast food segment, acceptance of the new product launched, and objective achievedin terms of the expected sales helps towards effective implementation of the marketing plan. Proper techniques for forecasting of the expected sales and measured goals helps in understanding the success of the product launched.Proper and Effective Communication Tactics Fast food companies have to be very thoughtful with their communication strategy. Even a slight mistake in terms of improper communication can lead to disastrous result. With various lobbies opposing junk food or fast food segment, there is always a pressure on companies like KFC to come up with relevant and targeted communication. Thus what channel is being selected for communication also matters a lot. For example if target demography is vegetarian in nature then launching and creating campaign about a chicken burger will be a big mistake. Hence optimization of communication tactic is an important stepping stone towards effective implementation of the marketing plan. L.O.4.1 Explain how ethical issues influence marketing planning Fast food segment has to face several ethical issues, which eventually shape up their marketing plan.There are many countries which are extremely particular about the quality of the product and its raw material used. For example a country or area dominated by vegetarian population will never accept a chicken or beef burger. That is why in the stores there has to be strict check on what is being served to the customer. Recently there was a vi ral video on social networking site which highlighted how raw material for KFC is procured which highlighted several loop-holes in the procurement process. This issue exposed the hygiene and cleanliness standards in the procurement as well. Such kind of ethical issues many times results in lawsuit etc. (Schrder & McEachern, 2005).L.O.4.2 Analyse examples of how organizations oppose to ethical issues KFC has witnessed an exponential growth across globe. But with this growth rate there are several instances of backlash against the brand as well. For example a slight negligence in a vegetarian dominated population can lead to ethical issues among the population and negative publicity for the brand. In any such instance where KFC has been on the defaulter side, it has always cooperated with the respective agencies and has proactively accepted its mistake wherever necessary. As a brand KFC has never ignored its social responsibility and accepting mistakes because of its negligence.In or der to address any consumer complain they have dedicated complain cell which handles consumer grievances. L.O. 4.3 Analyseexamples of consumer ethics and the effect it has on the marketing planning Consumer ethics has major impact on designing of market strategy of a company. For example KFC avoids an aggressive marketing of non-vegetarian products in vegetarian dominated population. KFC also avoids targeting kids as their target segment since fast food are considered as unhealthy and greasy in nature In order to have a strong brand connect and brand value it is important to keep all the ethical issues in perspective while developing the market planning strategy (Parasuraman, Grewal & Krishnan, 2006).ReferencesLiu, W. K. (2008). KFC in China secret recipe for success. John Wiley & Sons (Asia). Ghanawi, N. (2012). The Internationalization of KFC.Witkowski, T. H., Ma, Y., & Zheng, D. (2003). Cross-cultural influences on brand identity impressions KFC in China and the United States. A sia peaceable Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 15(1/2), 74-88. Magrath, A. J. (1986). When marketing services, 4 Ps are not enough. Business Horizons, 29(3), 44-50. Christian, M., & Gereffi, G. (2010). The marketing and distribution of fast food. InPediatric Obesity (pp. 439-450). Springer New York. Sophonsiri, S., & Polyorat, K. (2009). The impact of brand personality dimensions on brand necktie and brand attractiveness the case study of kfc in thailand. Journal of Global Business & Technology, 5(2). Starvish, M. (2011). KFCs detonative growth in China. HBS Working Knowledge. Roller, S. T., Voorhees Jr, T., & Lulnkenheimer, A. K. (2006). Obesity, food marketing and consumer litigation threat or opportunity. Food & medicate LJ, 61, 419. Schrder, M. J., & McEachern, M. G. (2005). Fast foods and ethical consumer value a focus on McDonalds and KFC. British Food Journal, 107(4), 212-224. Parasuraman, A., Grewal, D., & Krishnan, R. (2006). Marketing research. Cengage Learning.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Toxic Chemicals

poisonous Chemicals argon substances naturally produced by the milieu naturally or artificially produced by industrial manufactures.. The chemicals produced that obtain been around since the industrial age began argon considered hazardous both to us and the environment. Some of the most extremely unhealthful chemicals utilize today accommodate polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs), chlorofluoro autobons(CFC) and polyvinyl chloride(PVCs). These chemicals can be found in much(prenominal) products such as thermo thermo atomic waste and automobile tires.Toxic chemicals or pollutants are substances that enter the environment finished industrial, agricultural, or early(a) human-generated processes that pose health hazards to humans, animals, and plants. This paper leave look directly at chemicals which occupy been discovered to be hazardous or toxic, that are produced in quantity, and are difficult or extremely costly to remove once introduced to the environment. Nuclear waste is produced throughout the entire nuclear give the sack cycle, fount with the mining of uracil to the reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel.Nuclear waste will remain hazardous for thousands of years, leaving a poisonous legacy for future generations. As part of the mean(prenominal) routine operations of every nuclear power station some waste materials are discharged into the environments directly. Liquid waste is discharged victimisation turbine cooling peeing to carry the waste into a nearby stream or river. Gaseous toxins are released into the ambience. There are three categories of radioactive nuclear waste High level waste (HLW), medium level counterbalance (ILW) and Low level waste (LLW).HLW consists mainly of irradiated fuel from the cores of nuclear reactors (although the nuclear diligence does not consider this to be a waste) and high-levels of liquid waste are produced during reprocessing. The deadly wastes produced from these producers, are stored in large tanks, and are mixed with a hot glass material for solidification purposes. These glass logs withal being classified as HLW. While the glassification process may make it easier to transport and store nuclear waste, it does not diminish the terrible dangers that the public and the environment are exposed too.HLW is typically a thousand times more radioactive than ILW. ILW consists mainly of metallic fuel cans which originally contained uranium fuel for that was use by nuclear power stations, reactor metal operate on and chemical residues. ILW must be contained and from workers and the public word picture during transport and governing body. It is usually stored at the site of production. ILW is typically a thousand times more radioactive that LLW. LLW can be defined as waste which does not require protective shielding during normal handling and transportation.Examples of products containing LLW chemicals include protective clothing and laboratory equipment which hurt come into contact with radioactive materials. When disposing of highly radioactive nuclear fuel, the spent fuel is removed from the reactor and is stored temporarily in water-fillight-emitting diode cooling pools. As the cooling pools are filled, many nuclear sites will let to shut down due to this privation of storage space for the deadly waste. According to estimates by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the global amount of spent fuel in 1992 was estimated at125,000 tonnes.It is projected that by the year 2000 the annual spent fuel world wide will be over 200,000 tonnes, and 450,000 tonnes by the year 2030. Although a variety of disposal methods have been discussed for decades, including disposal into outer space in that respect is still no solution for what to do with the nuclear waste. Most of the current proposed solutions for dealing with nuclear waste involve burying it beneath the earths surface in special concrete storage containers strong enough to stop the radioactive mate rial from escaping. Uranium is a radioactive element.It decays into a series of other radioactive elements, known as daughter products until it ends up as a stable category of lead. As a consequence of the various radioactive forms uranium goes through, the uranium ore deposits contain many radioactive elements, some of which are particularly hazardous. One of the major dangers of uranium is that it produces right ascension toxins and radon gas. Radon gas, even when inhaled in small amounts, is known to cause lung cancer. Radium toxins can get a line its way into people through food and water and is known to cause other types of cancer.There are approximately 60 tire waste sites in Ontario entirely. Eleven of these sites contain more than 100 000 tires, and the other 49 maintain approximately 5,000 tires. On February 12, 1990, a tire dump located near Hagersville, Ontario, which contained an estimated 14 million used tires, was set on fire and burned for 17 days. The toxic smoke alone caused thousands of people to evacuate their shoess. It was estimated that 600,000 litres of petroleum was produced by the melting tires and collected by the cleanup crews.There is the first step that even more oil and other contaminants from the water runoff may have entered local water sources. Statistics compiled bu the United States government reports that there are as many tires in American waste sights as there are American citizens. This estimate added to an already over-burdened environment, means that the number of scrap tires on the cornerstone in 1994 at just under a billion in the United States alone. It is important to argumentation that warm weather areas produce more scrap tires on average than northern, cold weather climates.Considering the unlikeliness of the invention of a non-wear tire in the foreseeable future, it would stand to reason that the supply of scrap tires will continue to rise for many years to come. The annual number of tires that are scrapp ed world wide is estimated to be 1. 6 billion (see chassis 1). The next decade alone will show an increase of more then 500 million tires per year. Improper disposal of tires can affect our health, our environment, and our waste management costs. graceful waste tire management eliminates whole tires from being buried in landfills, eliminates tire stockpiles that trap water, eliminates apotheosis habitats for disease carrying mosquitos and rodents reduces the risk of uncontrollable tire fires and related hazards and provides raw material for scrap tire markets. Waste tires can be recycled as whole or split tires or as crumb (ground) rubber. intact tires can be used as parts of playground equipment. Split tire uses include spirit level mats, belts and dock bumpers. Crumb rubber is the fastest growing market for scrap tires.Crumb rubber uses include rubber and plastic products such as floor mats, carpet, shoe soles, padding, athletic surfaces, alternative-energy fuel, and rubberize d asphalt. Adding rubber to asphalt greatly enhances the materials temperature resistance and longevity (see public figure 2). Chlorine is found in nature mainly in the form of salt, a stable compound which is essential to many natural processes. Such as using enormous amounts of electricity, the chemical industry destroys the salt compounds stability creating an extremely reactive form of chlorine that is not widely found in nature.The use of chlorine results in products and wastes, many of which are toxic to wildlife, humans and the ecosystem. Chlorofluorocarbons and hydro chlorofluorocarbons The ozone seam which is located in the Earths stratosphere is comprised of a blanket of ozone molecules. It is the primary protective shield that the Earth has against the deadly unseeable rays of the sun. During the past 60 years, the ozone layer has been voicelessly damaged by millions of tonnes of ozone depleting substances (ODS) most notably chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS), have been rel eased into the atmosphere by humans causing the ozones deterioration.Other ODS include hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) which is used as part of warfare in like manner depletes the ozone layer. ODS are known to be stable substances and can survive in the atmosphere for many years. They are carried up to the stratosphere by air currents where they eventually disintegrate under ultraviolet light. This disintegration releases chlorine or bromine molecules which creates a chemical chain reaction leading to the large scale destruction of the ozone molecules (see Fig 3).A decrease in the number of ozone molecules in the stratosphere reduces the atmospheres ability to absorb UV-B radiation before it reaches the Earths surface. comminuted changes in the thickness of the atmospheric ozone layer allow significant increases in the amount of UV-B radiation that filters through which can profoundly impact life on this planet. This added UV-B radiation impacts on the stability of the global ec osystem the transmitted health of life, the quality of the air we breathe and the weather.Unless these toxic emissions are halted immediately, the ozones depletion and damage to the global biosphere could reach severe life exposeing levels leading to the end of life as we know today. PVCs are now the hit largest user of chlorine and its production is growing worldwide. Wastes from PVC production contain dioxins and other highly toxic contaminants a range of toxic chemicals is incorporated within PVC products and burning PVC plastic in incinerators or in accidental fires creates dioxins. PVCs have become a significant source of the planets dioxin levels.PVCs are used as a component in consumer products such as credit cards, records, toys, window frames, doors, walls, panelling, pipes and gutters around the home in vinyl flooring, vinyl wallpapers, venation blinds, shower curtains, office furniture, binders, folders, and pens. It is also used in the car industry, as medical disposa bles in hospitals, in cable and wire insulation, for imitation leathers, and in garden furniture. PVCs have become part of our everyday inhabits (see Fig 4). The disposal of PVCs creates environmental problems. If burned, PVC products will release an acerb gas and dioxins.PVC products are a significant source of dioxins globally. PVCs eventually releases toxins which can then threaten groundwater supplies if disposed of in landfills. PVCs are not a natural material and is not bio-degrade able. PCBs are produced in several countries and are widely used in industries as heat transfer fluids. PCBs are so versatile and so widely used because of their physical properties. These properties include resistance to acids and bases, compatibility to organic material, resistance to oxidisation and reduction, electrical insulation properties, thermal stability and is nonflammable.However, widespread use and improper disposal practices have led to significant environmental contamination by the se commercial PCB formulations. PCBs are highly stable in the environment. Non-Industrial sites have also been reported with high contamination (i. e. , The Antarctic). PCBs are usually found in fish, wildlife, and human fat tissue, blood and milk. Health affects for babies who suckle their mother who has a high concentration of PCBs in their milk (see Fig 5). Between the 1940s through to the 1970s PCBs were used to coat silos of barns.The coating however, leaked from the walls into the cattle and into the human food chain via milk and meat. An increase in cancer diagnosis is humans has been reported by families that lived or used to live near these silos. These silos are now being dismantled or destroyed due to these findings. A fiber of Yusho/Yu-Cheng poisoning occurred in southwest Japan where 1600 individuals fell ill aft(prenominal) eating rice oil contaminated with a commercial PCB industrial fluid. Nineteen hundred individuals also fell ill after eating the same thing.This incident occurred at the same time and area. Sixty-four percent of the victims made a recovery however, some reported to get headaches, and stomachaches, numbness of the extremities, coughing and bronchial disorders, as well as joint pains in many of the victims. Children that were affected by this incident had related growth and irregular tooth development, and parvenuborns exhibited systemic pigmentation and were born undersized.Beginning in 1980, congressional appropriations to a Superfund money to be used by the EPA for hazardous waste cleanup have totalled $8. 4 billion, of which the EPA has spent $6 billion (1990), and has completed work on only 52 sites listed on a national priority list of 1,218 sites that urgently required Superfund cleanup. There is no safe way to dispose of the toxic chemicals produced by industrial plants for everyday life. If there is, it can cost millions or even billions of dollars to companies and governments around the world. There are so many several(predicate) toxins today that are affecting the way we live. The effects of these chemicals are destroying the environment and causing illnesses and even finale in many people.Toxic chemicals must be properly used as we enter the new millennium to allow the production of toxic chemicals world wide should be cut to levels where it is considered safer for the environment and forbid increases in future levels. This global cut back should remain in place until technologies are created to safely dispose of the toxins safely. The planet. Humans must give the planet time to dissolve itself of the current toxins within the environment and repair itself to the point where living conditions are safe and clear of chemical hazards.