Friday, February 21, 2020

US History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

US History - Essay Example For instance, â€Å"American values, traditions, institutions, interests, and aspirations increasingly diverged from those of England†. The bitter memories of suffering in the hands of British redcoats during the war had also helped induce a feeling of camaraderie among the Americans. To add to this growing divide, King George II and later King George III were indifferent and arrogant in their attitude toward the colonials. The Americans were also intent on vengeance for the excesses committed against them by the redcoats in the form of â€Å"extortion of supplies, homes and men† during the war. Moreover, as the Crown was in heavy debt after the war, it imposed an array of taxes on Americans, which the latter found unacceptable. The seeds for the American independence that were sown during the French and Indian War gained momentum after the conclusion of the war in 1763. American colonials were growing indignant due to the barrage of new taxes that were imposed on them by the British crown. The public unrest was understood by its leaders, who responded according to the dictates of their conscience. The political and intellectual culture in America during and after the year 1763 is a primary factor in the success of the revolution. For example, the literate and well-read populations of colonials were presented with the case for an independent America. They communicated to the colonials the necessity to fight for their rights and freedom from oppression. To quote, â€Å"From 1763 through 1775, 43 newspapers across the colonies deepened feelings of outrage among ever more Americans by publicizing an ever-expanding litany of the Crowns abuses of power. Printing presses cranked out thousands of copies of hundreds of books, pamphlets, sermons, and broadsides whose authors boldly condemned the Crowns violations of the British "Constitution" and the rights of all Englishmen. During those dozen years,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Reading Log 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading Log 2 - Assignment Example Do the fast food industry companies truly care about the children and their amusement or are they simply using the innocence of the children to make themselves wealthier at the expense of the health of the children and the parents’ income? This question is challenging because it raises the pros and cons of these playgrounds and fast food advertisements and movie characters and the children. Children become happy as a result but what about their health for future and the increase in obesity in America due to the rise of these fast foods. Incorporating the sports personnel and Hollywood into the fast food industry increases more customers hence more profits. The idea of playground with supervision from adults even if they spend a lot of money is safe and more fun for the kids. Lastly is the idea of having children included in the formulation of new menus and characters as they get to feel part of the decision making and this boosts self-esteem and