Thursday, August 27, 2020

Gender representation in contemporary superhero films

Sex portrayal in contemporary superhuman movies Exploration PROPOSAL Sex portrayal in contemporary superhuman movies Exploration Question How sexual orientation portrayal is depicted in the contemporary Marvel hero films? Diagram of the Study This venture will assess how sex portrayal depicted in 21st century Marvel superhuman movies. This exploration will focus on utilizing Marvel’s The Avenger (dir. Josh Whedon, 2012) which is the collection of all contemporary Marvels’ superhuman made after Ironman since 2008. Thompson (1999) and Bordwell (2006) both contended that Hollywood movies frequently stress on character attributes. Contemporary Hollywood filmmaking will in general draw on certain sexual orientation illustrative example of superhuman is as a matter of first importance a man. Consequently printed examination will be utilized to break down how manliness and womanliness esteems are developed among the principle characters in the film. Point Objectives The point of this investigation is to assess how sex portrayal depicted in 21st century Marvel superhuman movies. The goal of this examination is to break down how manliness and womanliness esteems are developed among the primary characters in 21st century Marvel superhuman movies. Writing Review In the previous seven years, lion's share number of blockbuster hero activity experience movies, for example, Batman, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Spiderman, Hellboy 1 and 2, Hulk, Ironman, and a large group of other â€Å"men† have flown, stepped, fallen, and swung across screens in these Hollywood blockbusters (Stabile, 2009). Truth be told, Gray Kaklamanidou (2011) depicts superhuman as somebody for the most part has a blend of mental and physical quality more than normal person that battle against underhanded who will prevails despite seemingly insurmountable opposition. These superhuman characters are essentially adjusted from comic books. The characters in the film are introduced in cliché way, for example, either present male saints and female ladies, for example, Superman Returns (2006), the Spider-Man films (2002, 2004, 2007) or, in all likelihood take into account a couple of female superheroes as a component of a male-run-wrongdoing battling aggregate, as in X-Men Films (2000, 2003, 2006), and the Fantastic Four establishment (2005, 2007). Gallagher (2006) portrayed manliness as an item in our way of life; the activity film has truly been a ‘male’ class, managing accounts of male courage and ladies as fringe princesses. Anyway these credits and practices will in general move after some time and are continually under exchange in the film. Besides as Benshoff Griffin (2009) contended that in spite of the fact that there are slight varieties can be found in innumerable Hollywood movies, the method of visually recounting stories is fundamentally a similar today as it was during the 1930s. Traditional Hollywood style is constantly figured to coddle story data to the observer, in this way keeping everything plainly comprehended by the crowd. For example, Thompson (1999) and Bordwell (2006) both contended that Hollywood movies frequently underline on character attributes. Contemporary Hollywood filmmaking will in general draw on certain sex illustrative example of superhuman is as a matter of first importance a m an. Moreover, the hero is an American creation, conceived just before World War II (Gray Kaklamanidou, 2011). Subsequently the job of superhuman is constantly connected with run of the mill manliness characteristics while the characters in hero film are depicted in cliché habits. Curiously, in the course of recent decades, different male-ruled Hollywood sorts have been adjusted for female leads. Benshoff Griffin (2009) clarified that the sci-fi activity experience film has additionally delivered some solid female leads, played most remarkably by Sigourney Weaver in the Alien Films (1979, 1986, 1992, 1997) just as Jovovich’s Alice in the Resident Evil film establishment (2002, 2004, 2007) has become the most monetarily effective female activity character of the period. In any case, standard Hollywood amusement despite everything arranges sexual orientation in manners that maintain and keep up man centric benefit (Cohan Hark, 1993). The nostalgic Hollywood blockbuster equation, with its robust male legends, keeps on driving the business. Another perspective on sex portrayal in superhuman film is that, Hollywood filmmaking will in general endeavor provocative male bodies in real life while female activity experience legends with typified sex advance. As B enshoff Griffin (2009) contended that albeit an ever increasing number of ladies are entering the Hollywood business, the sexual typification of female bodies will in general encompass on the female lead while men will in general overwhelm the primary job in superhuman film. Strategy Given the exploratory idea of this investigation is to assess sexual orientation portrayal depicted in 21st century Marvel hero films; it is proposed subjective examination strategy for printed investigation will be utilized to break down the content in contemporary Marvel’s superhuman movies. Literary examination in reality is research technique for attempting to pick up something about individuals by looking at the substance, structure, and elements of the messages contained in messages (Frey et al., 1999). At the end of the day, literary investigation may use to depict and decipher the attributes, for example, standards of conduct, qualities and perspectives of a recorded or visual message. Marvel’s The Avenger (dir. Josh Whedon, 2012) will be chosen to assess how manliness and womanliness esteems are developed among the principle characters. Indeed, Marvel’s The Avenger is the array of all contemporary Marvels’ hero made after Ironman since 2008 (Marvel, 2012). This film essentially comprises of four principle characters of Marvel’s superhuman that are Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk and Thor. Moreover, the film additionally includes with other existing S.H.I.E.L.D operator Hawkeye and Blackwidow. In like manner, investigating the content in the Marvel’s The Avenger gives the scientist the chances to consider a couple of arrangement of contemporary superhuman film all the while. For sure, printed investigation comprises of the two qualities and shortcomings in examining the sex portrayal in the film. As indicated by Larsen (1991), printed investigation can bring out entire scope of conceivable importance in the film content. It is likewise a favored strategy for recognizing such dormant importance and an amazing asset for scientists who try to create hypothetically substantial understandings of the focused on text. Notwithstanding, printed examination required an incredibly close perusing on the particular content (Frey et al., 1999). It is tedious and has high support need which the scientist is requires to set up the standards, for example, coding. Truth be told, content investigation as per Weare Lin (2000) can decide the nearness composed and spoken correspondence or ideas inside writings. In any case, it is prominent and an absolutely expressive technique which it incapable to uncover hidden thought processes in the watched design (what yet not why). Accordingly as the target of this investigation is to break down the sexual orientation portrayal and characters pretended in the contemporary Marvel’s superhuman movies, the motivation behind utilizing literary examination in this investigation is along these lines ready to give inside and out comprehension on the content. Marvel’s The Avenger Truth be told, Marvel’s The Avengers is a 2012 American Hollywood film created by Marvel studios and disseminated by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Actually, it is highlighting with notorious Marvel superheroes Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. Marvel’s The Avenger has been positioned as the third most elevated netting film in around the world. Anyway it is intriguing that 7 out of 8 driving are male while the main female lead is Scarlett Johansson who assumes the job as Black Widow. Wonder Studios has discharged nine movies since 2008 inside the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Iron Man (2008), The Incredible Hulk (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor (2011), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), Marvels The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013), Thor: The Dark World (2013) and Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) (Marvel, 2014). Critical of study Superhuman film is generally one of the most recent advancement drifts in Hollywood film (Gray Kaklamanidou, 2011). Be that as it may, there has been no much scholastic exploration made on superhuman film. It is accept that the expanding number of these movies requires a top to bottom scholastic examination on the idea of hero in this globalized society that is underline on sexual orientation balance. As Ryan Kellner (1990) contended that the portrayal of specific characters can progress in the direction of clarifying the political social scene the current time. It is fascinating to discover how people in these films are spoken to: how various characters are depicted, utilizing ordinarily ladylike and manly characteristics. Hence this examination will add to the future exploration and writing identified with sexual orientation in real life and hero film. Timetable of exploration End This venture will assess how sexual orientation portrayal depicted in 21st century Marvel hero films by utilizing Marvel’s The Avenger. Printed examination is on the grounds that it ready to give top to bottom comprehension and investigation on the sex portrayal and characters pretended in the film. While the quantity of superhuman is increment, this examination fills in as an essential writing along these lines capable adds to the future exploration on sexual orientation in real life and hero film. List of sources References BENSHOFF, H. M, GRIFFIN, S. (2009) America in video form: Representing race, class, sex and sexuality at the motion pictures, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. BORDWELL, Da. (2006) The way Hollywood tells it: Story and style in present day motion pictures. Berkeley: University of California Press. CODELL, J. L. (2007) Genre, sexual orientation, race and world film: A treasury, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. COHAN, S., HARK, I. R. (1993) Screening the male: Exploring masculinities in Ho

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Devil in the White City Book Summary Essay

The Devil in the White City, composed by Eric Larson, is a holding novel of two perfect inverse men during the structure of the World’s Fair in Chicago. It encompasses two characters, both amazingly skilled at their ‘craft’ and superbly portrays the scramble for industrialization in this time. It follows the lives of Daniel H. Burnham, the fair’s splendid chief of works and the developer of huge numbers of the country’s most significant structures, and Henry H. Holmes, a sequential executioner who assembled a lodging turned dungeon complete with a dismemberment table, gas chamber, and crematorium. This story is so intriguing in light of the fact that it subtleties genuine life occasions and uses genuine characters, for example, Susan B. Anthony, Thomas Edison, and Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Cross section these two characters together improves the force of the story and really shows the impact of the structure of the World’s Fair on Chicago in l ate 1880 and mid 1890. The book starts in 1890, when Chicago is a possibility to hold the World’s Fair, or the World’s Columbian Exposition, intended to remember Columus’ showing up in America. Daniel Burnham was answerable for building the White City. He defeated numerous devastating deterrents and individual catastrophes to make the Fair the otherworldly, striking occasion that it was. He united probably the best designers of the Gilded Age, for example, Charles McKim, George Post, Richard Hunt, Frederick Law Olmsted, and others, and persuaded them regarding the significance of the Fair. Burnham by one way or another got them to cooperate to accomplish what many viewed as a unimaginable venture in an amazingly short measure of time. The aftereffect of their difficult work finished in a wonderful even that brought just about 40 million individuals to the city of Chicago and changed the shoreline of Chicago until the end of time. A couple of miles away, in the suburb of Englewood, an alternate sort of story was unfurling. Dr. H. H. Holmes had assembled a motel turned dungeon on one full city square. Holmes was portrayed as an attractive, blue-peered toward charmer who had away with ladies. He would lure, hypnotize, and interest them, as far as possible up until the half quart at where he slaughtered them. He had numerous methods of torment and demise, for example, covering them with ether-drenched clothes, of securing them a water/air proof chamber and discharging toxic gas into them. In the wake of slaughtering his casualties, Holmes would frequently dismember them; evacuating their skin, offering their skeletons to be utilized in clinical school. He really was the most exceedingly awful casualty, because of his sociopathic brain that asked on the defenseless and found a specific unexplainable satisfaction in the specialty of murdering.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive Beyond the MBA Classroom NYU Stern Follies

Blog Archive Beyond the MBA Classroom NYU Stern Follies When you select an MBA program, you are not just choosing your learning environment, but are also committing to becoming part of a community. Each Thursday, we offer a window into life “beyond the MBA classroom” at a top business school. With skits such as “Sterndog Millionaire” and songs such as “We Didn’t Start the Crisis” (set to the tune of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire”), the annual NYU Stern Follies talent show entertains students and faculty alike. Anyone at Stern can put together a team and apply to participate. The Follies’ creative committee, which is made up of students, decides which skits and performers will ultimately be part of the show. The theme of the 2011 Follies was “The Social Network” and included a spoof of Black Swan as well as a live Twitter feed displayed during the show. Well-known professors, such as William Silber, are frequent guest stars in many Follies presentations. For in-depth descriptions of social and community activities at NYU Stern and 15 other top MBA programs, check out the  mbaMission Insider’s Guides. Share ThisTweet Beyond the MBA Classroom New York University (Stern)

Monday, May 25, 2020

Strategic Analysis of Sabmiller - 16462 Words

Table of Content Chapter 1 1. Introduction to South African Breweries (SABMiller plc) 1.1 History 1. Early history 2. Diversified into Bottles, Lodging, and Mineral Water in Early 20th Century 3. Takeover of Ohlssons and United Breweries in 1956 4. Reincorporated in South Africa in 1970 5. Government Restrictions Leading to More Diversification: 1980s and Early 1990s 6. International Expansion in the Post-Apartheid Era 7. Moving into the Developed World As SABMiller, Early 2000s 2. CHAPTER 1 1. Introduction to South African Breweries (SABMiller plc) SABMiller plc ranks as the worlds second largest brewer in terms of volume, trailing only Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Although now based†¦show more content†¦A joint subsidiary called Union Hop Growers spent many years developing new hybrids, which delayed the first commercial use of South African-grown hops until 1920. 1.2 Diversified into Bottles, Lodging, and Mineral Water in Early 20th Century After Frederick Mead died in August 1915, John Stroyan, who succeeded Sydney Chambers a few months earlier, became the most important figure in SAB management. Stroyan faced a serious challenge the following year when hostilities during World War I interrupted the supply of bottles to South Africa. SAB decided to establish its own bottle-making plants in 1917. Actual production, however, did not begin until 1919, the year the war ended. Another economic depression beset South Africa after World War I, but steady growth in the demand for beer reduced many of the detrimental effects of the depression. SAB was financially strong enough in 1921 to purchase the Grand Hotel in Cape Town, an important addition to the companys lodging business. SAB gained an interest in the mineral water business in 1925, when it purchased a substantial interest in the Schweppes Company. The Great Depression of the early 1930s had little effect on the South African brewing industry; SAB continued to expand its operations and improve its facilities. The companys biggest problems were shortages of labor and capital. The Spanish Civil War and rising political tensions inShow MoreRelatedStrategic Analysis of Sabmiller16447 Words   |  66 PagesSouth African Breweries (SABMiller plc) 1.1 History 1. Early history 2. Diversified into Bottles, Lodging, and Mineral Water in Early 20th Century 3. Takeover of Ohlssons and United Breweries in 1956 4. Reincorporated in South Africa in 1970 5. Government Restrictions Leading to More Diversification: 1980s and Early 1990s 6. International Expansion in the Post-Apartheid Era 7. Moving into the Developed World As SABMiller, Early 2000s 2. Read More3.1 the Strategic Position Is Concerned with Identifying the Impact on Strategy of the External Environment, an Organization’s Strategic Capability (Resource and Competent) and the Expectations and Influence of1058 Words   |  5 Pages3.1 The strategic position is concerned with identifying the impact on strategy of the external environment, an organization’s strategic capability (resource and competent) and the expectations and influence of stakeholders. (Johnson amp; schools amp; Whittington, 2008) The strategic position that SABMiller has chosen to follow is to continue to protect and further develop its operations, whilst investing for growth in its international beer business, several acquisitions in last few years haveRead MoreSABMiller Marketing Essay1077 Words   |  5 Pages1. ANALYSIS OF SABMILLERS STRATEGIC POSITION 1.1. 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This report deals with identifying the strategic issues and options available to South African Breweries (SAB) based on the understanding from the case study â€Å"SABMiller† (Johnson et al., 2008, pg. 740-745). After a brief introduction to what strategy means for organizations, the report tries to explain the current strategic position of SABMiller by analysis of the organization’s competencies internally and also the external industry and environmentalRead MoreThe Production Of South African Breweries1518 Words   |  7 Pagesinto fruit juices and in 1994, according to the SABMiller Report they negotiated â€Å"joint control with China Resources of the second largest brewer in mainland China†, which is the home, today, of the world’s largest beer brand - Snow. These are a few of the many expansions SAB underwent. In 2002, SAB notes its first momentous access into a developed market with the Miller Brewing Company, which resulted in changing its name to SABMiller. 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A well managed, competitive strategic domestic business base. 2. Maximum decentralization and development of the separate, independent and individual identities. 3. Striving for consistently high productivity with performance matching risk and return. From these statements, weRead MoreEssay about Grolsch Global Strategy1525 Words   |  7 PagesSummary Grolsch, a company with a strong history and a highly rated product, has just been purchased by SABMiller. The company is evaluating its global strategy in light of the acquisition and determining how to position and sell its beer going forward. Grolsch has positioned itself well to compete internationally and has leveraged several tools (e.g. the MABA framework, strategic analysis) to effectively expand abroad. However, they must assess whether or not the MABA framework is still useful

Thursday, May 14, 2020

This Research Paper Seeks To Understand The Current Economic

This research paper seeks to understand the current economic relationship between individual/family assets within larger economic forces and theorize at possible responses though real estate development. Research will include how liquid asset poverty, liquid asset wealth, changing class structures, and increased student debt obligations affect the real estate market. Trends within the housing market will then be analyzed as well as initial market responses. Finally, a networked response between these considerations will be used as a proponent for a subsidized model for housing, the Ice House. This first research segment is designed to consider current situations specifically looking at aspects of liquid asset poverty and wealth along with†¦show more content†¦These are individuals who if a situation is dire enough, can’t even get a short term loan and are unfortunate targets for predatory lending schemes. In contrast to individuals struggling within Liquid asset poverty, the liquid asset rich individuals place other considerations onto the real estate markets. Since the measure of liquid asset poverty is a consideration of the amount of capital necessary over time, once the three months marker is met the metric lacks any definition as to what liquid asset wealth is measured by. For purposes of this research, I will define liquid asset wealth as a ceiling value of six months of living costs saved within easily liquidated assets. While it may be helpful to understand the effects of high liquid wealth within a context of real estate development, the author understands that an increase in wealth will not necessitate an increase in liquid assets due to the lower return on investment compared to illiquid assets. An investor who has more than six months of assets stored in a liquid manner is likely to not be using their assets in a responsible manner, assuming a reasonable investing market, it would be unlikely to see liquid assets rise with wealth instead of simply plateauing. The effects of these wealthier individuals has been documented within the work of Rodrigo Fernandez, annelore Hofman and Manuel B Aalbers in their article, â€Å"London and New York as a safe deposit box for the transnational wealth elite.† Within thisShow MoreRelatedThe Waste Of Municipal Solid Waste941 Words   |  4 Pagesrecycling behaviors significant amounts of trash reaching landfills and ERPs could have been recycled. There exists a wealth of research regarding how and why the populace engages in recycling and what potential barriers result in a high percentage of recyclables reaching landfills and ERPs. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Outsourcing of Hospital Services - 1644 Words

Outsourcing of Hospital Services Every business has to determine whether they should perform a service themselves in-house or outsource that particular service to an outside vendor. Facility services and managements are just two of the services that can be performed either in-house or outsourced to a vendor. The following graph shows the relationship between company size and potential need for outsourcing. As a company reaches 1,000-10,000 employees, the potential need for outsourcing drops dramatically. In organizations of this size, sufficient resources can usually be found in-house to perform a function, as well as having resources to handle backup coverage. [pic] At first glance, it seems counterintuitive for a company to†¦show more content†¦o It enables companies to focus on their core business function. Outsourcing takes care of ancillary functions in part or in totality. This optimizes the company s growth based on its core or specific business. o Reduces operating costs by focusing on major business area. This way, the capital funds always remain available for the core business instead of being diverted to other supporting portions of the business. o Outsourcing when taken off shore gives you access to world-class capabilities. You can leverage global resource networks to support your business. It gives you another perspective or dimension to the existing business for more efficiency. o It fosters and sustains an exceptional safety culture, emphasizing training and employee morale o Creates flexibility with the facilities to even provide support in times of industry uncertainty. o Speeds up work, shares innovations for best pra ctices. You can maintain competitive edge with new ideas. o Reduces risk and increases productivity. o Frees many resources for other purposes for enhancing or expanding your business in other directions. o Companies can saveShow MoreRelatedProposal Plan Part 11149 Words   |  5 Pagesvice president of Human Resources for VS Lecoin s Family Hospital I am responsible for 500 employees. I have a proposal that will address what type of staff VS Lecoin s Family Hospital requires, what type of organizational behaviors we should include in the facility toward our staff, workforce diversity, implementing diversity, employee relations, and employee retention plans. I also want to focus on why we should not use outsourcing for this facility. Brief background on the VS Lecoin sRead MoreEssay about Offshoring at Global Information Systems918 Words   |  4 Pagesoffshoring 3,000 jobs from here in the U.S to company locations in China, India and Brazil. These were highly compensated job positions. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tax or No Tax Essay Example For Students

Tax or No Tax? Essay There are many distinguishing differences among credit unions and banks. The most controversial and prominent is the differences in taxation of the two institutions. While banks are required to pay all taxes of any corporation, credit unions are except from having to pay federal and state income taxes. Most banks and associations that govern them are pushing for the federal government to require credit unions to pay full income taxes. The most common arguments in favor of credit union taxation are the unfair market that credit unions create because of tax exemption, the federal government is loosing valuable income from the tax-exempt status, and if saving and loan cooperatives should have to pay taxes then so should credit unions. The first reason banks want credit unions to be forced to pay income taxes is to create a fair market of competition between the two institutions. Keith Leggett, a senior economist with the American Bankers Association, argues that community credit unions have a competitive advantage over community banks due to their exempt status. He supports this claim by giving several examples, showing that over the last 21 years, the market share of household assets controlled by banks and savings institutions fell by more than half, from 27 percent to 12.7 percent, while credit unions actually grew in assets. He goes on to show that in some communities, credit unions are actually larger than banks and control more of the market. Leggett claims that this control and their success while banks have failed can be attributed to their exempt status. Opposing this argument, credit unions claim that they are completely different institutions than banks and should not be governed and taxed in the same manner. Credit unions claim that it is not an equal comparison when claiming that tax exemption is unfair for credit unions and not banks. Credit union are member owned cooperatives, with a volunteer board of directors, unlike banks who have their shareholders and board members interests in mind before those of their customers. Credit unions are considered not-for-profit because all profit at the end of each period are paid to the members (depositors), rather than shareholders. They also claim that they do not pose any threat to banks, considering credit unions account for less than 5% of financial assets, and the largest bank alone has assets greater than those of all 9,400 credit unions combined. These differences put credit unions in a completely different category than banks and the two cannot be compared. I agree with the credit unions view on this issue, considering their major differences between the institutions causing difficulty in judging the fairness of the rules governing them. The second major reason that the banking community believes that credit unions should be taxed is the creation a higher income for the federal and state governments. Bankers believe that the extra revenue generated by the government would benefit all citizens and would be a positive move for everyone. Leggett again argues for taxation claiming that the revenue from the income taxes Californias credit unions could exceed $10 million annually, and even more in states such as New York. While he does not give exact figures, he also points out that the federal government would also greatly benefit from income tax revenue of credit unions. While credit unions agree that taxation would give extra revenue for public works, they argue that they are already providing a public good by offering lower loan interests rates and high dividend rates on deposits, specifically assisting lower-income citizens. The Credit Union National Association (CUNA) claims that, if credit unions were subject to income taxes, customers would be required to pay higher feesand the victims of such pressures would be small loans, financial counseling, and small share draft accounts and loan rebates. They claim that credit unions would be forced to raise their fees and cause several small credit unions to close their doors to the local communities. Credit unions were chartered, and originally given this tax exempt status because of their services to society, especially to the low-income sectors. .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c , .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c .postImageUrl , .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c , .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c:hover , .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c:visited , .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c:active { border:0!important; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c:active , .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucfefe8364fec749ec653afa84bd7ca0c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Presidential Powers (1707 words) Essay While society would profit from credit unions taxation, it would cause less competition and a loss of valuable services to local and poor communities. Therefore, based on the fact that taxation would do more harm than good to a society, I must agree with the credit unions on this issue. Finally, banks argue that savings and loans, which are mutual cooperatives in the banking industry, are forced to pay income taxes, and credit unions should be forced to do the same. In a letter to the editor of the Business Review, the CEO of a former saving and loan cooperative, John Scarchilli writes In 1952, federal legislation was passed that requ ired mutual institutions savings and loans, to start paying federal income taxes. He also agrees that the industry was concerned with the legislation, but knew that it was needed, and that savings and loans still survive even though this legislation has passed. The credit union community argues this claim by pointing out that while they do not contribute income taxes to the federal and state governments, they also do not ask for any assistance from them, as savings and loans did. The Utah League of Credit Unions explains that in credit unions 100-year history, not a single taxpayer dollar has been used to bail out credit unions in financial trouble, as compared to savings and loans. Credit unions fund their own insurance fund through the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). Credit unions justify savings and loans paying taxes because they use federal tax dollars to insure themselves, while credit unions do not. For this reason, I must agree with the credit union community on this issue of concerning credit unions tax-exempt status. The banking industry is fighting for credit unions to be required to pay income taxes based on the arguments that their tax-exempt status creates and unfair market for competition, governments are loosing valuable financial income due to the exemption, and since savings and loans have to pay taxes, so should credit unions. Credit unions argue that because they are completely different, not-for profit institutions, give special services that banks cant offer, and are not subsidized by the government, they should be exempt from these taxes. After reviewing the facts and the arguments from both sides, I agree with the credit unions. A tax on them would be a tax on credit union members and a blow to communities supported by them.